I have put the site into troubleshooting mode, so all other plugins are disabled and a default theme is enabled. Widgets are also disabled. The error still happens.
Below is the code I am using for the event list:
<table style="border:1px dotted;background-color:#d2f3ba"><tr style="border:0px"><th style="border:0px;width:110px">#_STARTDATE{d M Y} <p>#_STARTTIME</th><th style="border:0px;vertical-align:top"> #_LINKEDNAME</th></tr><tr style="border:0px"><th style="border:0px"></th><th style="border:0px;text-align:left"> #_EXCERPT</th></tr></table>
This is the code for the single event format:
<strong>#_STARTDATE at #_STARTTIME - #_ENDTIME</strong><br />
#_ADDRESS<br />
#_TOWN #_ZIP<br /><br />
#_NOTES<br />
#_MAP<br />
The shortcode I am using is as below (different pages have same shortcode but different category). When I edit a page like this the errors appear and then disappear.
[eme_events show_recurrent_events_once=1 category=15 scope=future]
Do you need any more information? I will email you the page source for one of the pages showing the error.