Viewing 8 replies - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
  • Hello ,
    I have the same problem with duplicate events on my site. I am at the latest version 5.16.6.

    What else can I do so that the error doesn’t happen again? and not recreate all my events?

    Best regards,


    Hello ,
    I have the same problem with duplicate events on my site. I am at the latest version 5.16.6.

    What else can I do so that the error doesn’t happen again? and not recreate all my events?

    my website :

    Best regards,


    Plugin Contributor webnus


    Hello All,

    If you have an issue regarding this topic,
    would you please contact us via this email [email protected] and also send a screenshot of your issue? We’ll check it out.

    Meanwhile, this topic has been forwarded again to the developer team.

    Best Regards



    I had the same problem as well. This is how I fixed the issue. I found that on the events has duplicates on the UI also have duplicate records in the wp_mec_dates table.

    Verify this by running the command:
    SELECT *, COUNT(*) FROM wp_mec_dates GROUP BY post_id

    What did was run a query like this:
    DELETE FROM wp_mec_dates WHERE id NOT IN (1407,2182,1409,1411,1412)

    Of course the id list contains records you want to retain.

    Plugin Contributor webnus


    Hello @jadvillafania,

    Would you please contact us via this email [email protected]?

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by webnus.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by webnus.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by webnus.


    Also in my case MEC duplicates all events. The last version that works fine is 5.1.40. No other newer version couldnt fix the problem.
    I use MEC and Elementor with an Astra theme in a very simple?site. I tried to find the problem, deactivating?all plugins and changing the theme but the final conclusion is that MEC 5.17.0 plugin doesn’t work properly.?

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Radovan.


    Hello @radovand ,
    In my case, I was given this solution which consists of clicking on the “update” button of each event. It worked for me. Just click on the “update” button.

    have a nice day

    Plugin Contributor webnus


    Hello All,

    Please use the latest version of MEC, we’ve fixed it on the latest version of MEC[v5.17.1]:

    Best Regards

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