Frumph, your advice on how to create sub-pages for each comic worked perfectly for me. Thank you.
The following is simply my re-wording of your advice in step-by-step instructions. These re-wording is for people like myself, who may benefit from an extreme level of clarity.
My website:
My problem:
I have a website with two cartoonists, and I wanted each cartoonist to have a page with just his cartoons.
What I did right:
* I gave each cartoonist his own chapter.
* The chapters were numbered, and I wrote down these numbers.
* I rewrote the code Frumph provided for “ralok” for my own website. ( was rewritten as 4 is the chapter number I needed to use to create a chapter-based page for creator Justin Green.)
What I did wrong:
* I went to comics –> config –> navigation, I ignorantly looked for Frumph’s exact phrase “in chapter only.” The box that needs to be checked is labeled “Navigate through all the chapters and not all comics.”
* I attempted to the url link into an existing page. Wrong move. What Frumph was saying is that a page is automatically created by going to Appearance –> Menus, and opening the box named “Links.” Within the “Links” box, paste the URL you’ve rewritten for your website and chapter in the top box. In the second box, which is called “Link Text,” then type a name for the page you’re about to create. Finally, press “Add to Menu”…
…and BAM, your new chapter-based page is added to your menu. Press the button “Save Menu” and take a look at your website.
You can see the page I created at: