• I just launched a new blog called LawnClippings that is using K2 with a tweked theme by Steve Lam. The site is lawn and garden focused. I would appreciate your thoughts and support. Thanks…..

    Dennis Bullock

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  • Hey Dennis,
    It looks pretty good. All I have to say is to make the body text size a little smaller, see how you like that.
    For the reason that I like vector stuff, I would put a fixed vector of grass and such. But that’s just me. ??

    Nice work.
    Steven Bao

    i wouldn’t change the font size one bit – it’s nice and readable. keep in mind the age ranges of people who might visit this site… it’s vast, and should accomodate all sets of eyes.

    and i love the idea of having recipes… fantastic!

    i would use some “lawn” in there somewhere though… since it’s the name of the site. maybe as a post break or something…

    Ah, ladydelaluna has a point – yeah, don’t change the font size. Sorry about that.

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