• Resolved flowdee


    On large screens, the layout of the tickets overview page does not look good.

    There’s so much wasted empty room on the sides, which could be used for a better usability on the tickets list.

    On the ticket detail screen, you are making use of the space, but then you limit it on the overview page, which doesn’t make sense and looks bad.

    Besides that, the inbox badges are cut, and you can’t read the whole inbox name.

    Again, as shown on the large screen here, it would make sense if there’s no space, but as you can see, there would be a ton of space available.

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  • Plugin Support Ahsan Chowdhury


    Hello @flowdee ,

    Thank you for your feedback on the space and design issues. We are actively addressing these concerns. In our next version, we are primarily focusing on enhancing the design, and we are confident you will find it much improved.

    Concerning the business box name, the current limitation is intentional. Users have the flexibility to set the business inbox name, which can vary significantly in length. Given the limited space available, longer names would not fit well and could negatively impact the appearance. Therefore, we have imposed a character limit to ensure a consistent and visually pleasing layout.

    Thank you

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