• hello

    maybe it is an easy question but i can’t find where i can edit the layout dimension, i see the default it’s around 745px and i would like to extend it to around 1000 px.

    Please tell me where i can do that? i tried in style.css but maybe not in the right place. Thanks

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  • Take a look at the section of style.css that starts

    /* Begin Structure */
    body {
    	margin: 0 0 20px 0;
    	padding: 0;
    #page {
    	background-color: white;
    	margin: 20px auto;
    	padding: 0;
    	width: 760px;
    	border: 1px solid #959596;

    and take it from there

    if you cant find it at the style.css try searching the width in any other style sheet you have at your Theme Editor tab at the admin panel… if none.. try looking at the header.php… if still nothing… try to post the link to your site here… so we could help you easily… ??

    Thread Starter shobo


    yes, that’s the way i did but only the header moves left but the layout not. this is the part i don’t get.

    so i changed width: 760px; into 1000px but the left part between header and footer have not changed.

    Modifying the default theme is not for beginners. Try another theme.

    Thread Starter shobo


    ok, thanks for your advice.

    i thought it’s the easiest theme to edit:)

    if your using mozilla browser… try using firebug addon so you could edit your css and theme… easily… ??


    Not even firebug will help with the default. Stop giving advice that is not helpful. When the width of the blog/content area is defined by a background image, your theories about changing the width in CSS are worthless…
    Kubrick and its clones all have width determined by the bg image width.

    i was just telling him/her if he/she wants to learn faster in making themes in a way use the firebug addon… and thats why i ask him to post the link of his/her site because i didnt know what theme he/she is using… my bad i didnt clear things out before giving a solution/advice… anyway… thanks…

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