• optimized-marketing


    The right and bottom of my popup are being cut off so I don’t see the boarder. The colorbox div seems to have “overflow:hidden” added to the styling of that element. The problem with that is the height and width are actually smaller then the size of the popup, so it cuts off the excess parts(the boarder). If I uncheck overflow:hidden from the colorbox element style using the Element Inspector in the browser the popup displays correctly. On other sites with working popups there is no overflow styling value, so where is the overflow:hidden coming from? How can I fix this issue? Could it be a jquery issue or a css issue?



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  • Thread Starter optimized-marketing


    I figured it out, it was a css issue. My theme had box-sizing:boarder-box; as the default and this causes issues with the WP Super Popup. so I just added:

    #colorbox {
    	-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
    	-moz-box-sizing:    content-box;
    	box-sizing:         content-box;

    And the issue was gone.

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