• Resolved ricardhh10


    Hi, I love your plugin

    I have a bug that I can not fix, the lazy loading appears well for logged in users and when I see them from administrator, but when a visitor enters the site can not see the image, it does not appear and in the source code in the src says this: 

    Is there any way to fix it or at least, disable the lazy loading ONLY for visitors? since for members and administrators it works correctly.


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  • Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @ricardhh10

    I hope you’re well today!

    This behavior doesn’t seem to be a bug but suggest that there’s something else happening: most likely either some sort of a conflict or there (quite probably) is some JS optimization and/or caching interfering.

    There is no option to switch lazy load for logged-in/logged-out visitors only but before we look into possible workarounds, let’s try to find the culprit here.

    Let me ask then:

    – is there any other plugin (or maybe an option in the theme) that also provides lazy load on site? If yes, make sure that lazy load is enabled in only one of them (may it be Smush or the other one)

    – are you using any caching plugins or server-level cache and if yes – what is it?

    – are you using any kind of JS optimization tools on site and if yes, what?

    Also, could you try switching on “Enable native lazy loading” option in Smush Lazy Load settings and see if that changes anything?

    Would you mind sharing a link to example page affected by this too so we could take a closer look?

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter ricardhh10


    Hello, finally it was a cache plugin that I had active, update the cache and it works correctly, thank you very much

    Plugin Support Nebu John – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @ricardhh10,

    I’m glad to know the issue has been resolved.

    Would you mind providing a review if you found our plugin useful? We greatly appreciate it, and it helps us keep the plugin free.


    Kind Regards,
    Nebu John

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