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  • Sorry about the issues… We know this is a real pain for you (and lots of other users too), so I’ll explain why it’s happening and how we’re fixing it.

    So right now Leadin stores all your data in your WordPress database. This works well for less-trafficked sites or sites hosted on robust server environments, but it starts to break down when a site is hosted on a typical shared hosting environment and also receives lots of visitors. By it’s very nature Leadin is a database hog because it has to store every activity your visitors are doing. As you get more data, Leadin starts to slow down and since it’s connected to your WordPress database, it therefore slows down your entire WordPress site.

    We’ve actually been working round the clock the last three months to correct this problem and I’m happy to say we solved it. We rewrote the entire backend for Leadin to start storing and serving all your data from the cloud. This mean Leadin won’t slow down you WordPress site at all, and in our early speed test it actually makes the Leadin pages load about 10x faster.

    I’d love to get you onto the beta, which we’re launching today in fact, so you can keep using the plugin. There are a few constraints at the moment with the beta that I want to let you know about though first:

    1. We only support connecting to MailChimp at the moment.
    2. We don’t currently support multisite (we’re working on it)
    3. Your existing data won’t be migrated (we’re working on that too and you’ll be able to do it later)

    We’d hate to lose your as a user so let me know if you’re interested and we can work together to get you setup. Thanks for letting us know about your feedback and I’m relieved we have a way to fix it for you. Let me know what you think about the beta whenever you get a chance and hope you have a great rest of the day.

    Same thing happening to me. I was loving this plugin but had to deactivate it. Looking forward to the new version.

    @jamposta – if you email [email protected] I’ll get you setup with the beta today. We’d love to have you back aboard Team Leadin ??



    Hi Andy,

    Same issue here. Love the plugin otherwise. is the site in question. Front end speed seems to be fine just brings the admin portal to its knees

    @Virtality Marketing Solutions – Sorry about the issues… we’re looking into this in the current version.

    In the meantime, our beta customers have seen the load times drop dramatically in the beta. If you want to test it out we’d love to have you aboard the Beta Team. Just shoot me an email if you’re interested – andy [at] leadin [dot] com.

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