• Resolved kristygardner


    Hi again,

    I’m just curious how I limit the amount of posts showing up on the blog home page? I’ve looked in Reading settings for WP and in the theme’s settings but they’re still scrolling forever. Any help would be appreciated.



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  • Goto Appearance=>Leaf Options

    About 3/4 of the way down the page you will see “Number of More Articles”

    Change that number

    Thread Starter kristygardner


    Yes, that’s what I was referring to above in the “Theme Settings” stacyduval. I appreciate the response but it’s still listing a million posts.

    Any other suggestions?


    What number do you have in WP settings?

    Thread Starter kristygardner


    2. And then I tried 5.

    Thread Starter kristygardner


    I’ve set it so 5 are supposed to show up both in the Theme Options and on WP “Reading” settings. Just double checked.

    You’re still on “makeover”…

    Thread Starter kristygardner


    No I went back on. the lady who I’m doing the site for is all stressed out about people seeing it. I can take it off now though. Giver.

    Ok, I’ve seen but I need to reproduce the situation and here where I live is coming late, I’ll try tomorrow if I can. You can come back now, but asking for help in a forum for an invisible site and forcing who wants to help you to ask for everytime, is very uncomfortable for both and decrease the chances of being helped.
    Now pls repeat clearly the articles number you have set in WP options and the one in “more articles” option at the moment, and I’ll try to look at on a test site when I can.

    Thread Starter kristygardner


    I know, I’m really very sorry about that. She’s a bit of a handful and really gets upset if people see her site prematurely.

    In WP: 5

    In the Theme: 5

    Thank you for understanding! And for your help!

    I found out that it happens because you have more than one article selected as featured. Given that WP has the instruction to always maintain featured articles in the homepage, and given that only 1 can be featured, the theme adds the others in the “more articles” section (the almost-normal loop of the theme).
    So, to run the number you have in those options, you have to remove the “featured check” in every article except the one you want to mantain in evidence.
    On the other hand, the number in the WP settings doesn’t count.
    P.S.: Sorry but your client is right, because your behavior (and your preparation, excuse me for saying so) are not professional at all.
    I hope you don’t intend what I said as a criticism, but something you should consider.

    Thread Starter kristygardner



    also, maybe not the place to voice that? talk about unprofessional..

    Thread Starter kristygardner



    I’m glad.

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