• Resolved AndrewLynch


    Hi All,

    After the upgrade to 1.4 League tables display team rankings in the order that has nothing to do with the plug-in’s configuration.

    SportPree->Configure->Table Columns
    I have a metric called TotalPoints with SortOrder = 1 while the rest has SortOrder disbaled. All worked well before the upgrade.

    Table rest/update or creating a new table does not resolve the issue.
    Could you please assist with problem resolution


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  • Plugin Author Brian


    @andrewlynch I’d be happy to help you with this. First could you send me the output of SportsPress > Settings > System Status? (use the “code” button below)

    Thread Starter AndrewLynch


    Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for the prompt response. System Status attached

    ### Environment ###
    Home URL:                https://www.bluedemonsbc.com/club
    Site URL:                https://www.bluedemonsbc.com/club
    SP Version:              1.4
    WP Version:              4.0
    WP Multisite Enabled:    No
    Web Server Info:         Apache
    PHP Version:             5.4.14
    WP Memory Limit:         256 MB
    WP Debug Mode:           No
    WP Language:             Default
    WP Max Upload Size:      24 MB
    PHP Post Max Size:       64 MB
    PHP Time Limit:          30
    PHP Max Input Vars:      1000
    SUHOSIN Installed:       No
    Default Timezone:        Default timezone is Europe/Stockholm - it should be UTC
    fsockopen/cURL:          Your server has fsockopen and cURL enabled.
    SOAP Client:             Your server has the SOAP Client class enabled.
    ### Plugins ###
    Installed Plugins:       AdRotate by Arnan de Gans of AJdG Solutions version 3.10.10
                             Disable Comments by Samir Shah version 1.1.1
                             Easy Table by Takien version 1.5.2
                             Flickr Photostream by Miro Mannino version 3.1.6
                             Google XML Sitemaps by Arne Brachhold version
                             Simple Custom CSS by John Regan version 3.0.1
                             SportsPress by ThemeBoy version 1.4
                             Tabby Responsive Tabs by cubecolour version 1.2.0
                             W3 Total Cache by Frederick Townes version 0.9.4
                             WP Custom Login by Ninos Ego version 1.4.7
                             WP-Optimize by Ruhani Rabin version
    ### SP Configuration ###
    Sport:                   basketball
    Event Outcomes:          Win (win) [10]
                             Loss (loss) [20]
    Team Results:            1 (one) [10]
                             2 (two) [20]
                             3 (three) [30]
                             4 (four) [40]
                              (ot) [50]
                             T (points) [60]
    Player Performance:      MIN (min) [10]
                             FGM (fgm) [20]
                             FGA (fga) [30]
                             FTM (ftm) [40]
                             FTA (fta) [50]
                             3PM (threepm) [60]
                             3PA (threepa) [70]
                             OFF REB (offreb) [80]
                             DEF REB (defreb) [90]
                             AST (ast) [100]
                             PF (pf) [110]
                             TF (tf) [120]
                             STL (stl) [130]
                             TO (to) [140]
                             BLK (blk) [150]
                             PTS (pts) [160]
    Table Columns:           PTS (pts = $win * 3 + $loss * 1) [1]
                             PG (pg = $win + $loss) [2]
                             W (w = $win) [3]
                             L (l = $loss) [4]
                             PF (pf = $pointsfor) [4]
                             PA (pa = $pointsagainst) [5]
                             DIFF (diff = ( $pointsfor - $pointsagainst ) / $eventsplayed) [6]
                             PFPG (pfpg = $pointsfor / $eventsplayed) [7]
                             PAPG (papg = $pointsagainst / $eventsplayed) [8]
                             L10 (lten = $last10) [10]
                             STRK (strk = $streak) [11]
                             PCT (pct = $win / $eventsplayed) [11]
    Player Metrics:          Height (height) [10]
                             Weight (weight) [20]
    Player Statistics:       G (g = $eventsplayed) [10]
                             GS (gs = $eventsstarted) [20]
                             MPG (mpg = $min / $eventsplayed) [30]
                             FG% (fgpercent = $fgm / $fga) [40]
                             FT% (ftpercent = $ftm / $fta) [50]
                             3P% (threeppercent = $threepm / $threepa) [60]
                             RPG (rpg = ( $offreb + $defreb ) / $eventsplayed) [70]
                             APG (apg = $ast / $eventsplayed) [80]
                             SPG (spg = $stl / $eventsplayed) [90]
                             BPG (bpg = $blk / $eventsplayed) [100]
                             PPG (ppg = $pts / $eventsplayed) [110]
                             EFF (eff = $pts + $offreb + $defreb + $ast + $stl + $blk - $fga + $fgm - $fta + $ftm + $to) [120]
    ### SP Taxonomies ###
    Competitions:            Cork Boys U10 League (league10)
                             Cork Boys U11 League (league11)
                             Cork Boys U12A League (league12a)
                             Cork Boys U12B League (league12b)
                             Cork Boys U13 League (league13)
                             Cork Boys U13 Open Tournament (cork-boys-u13-open-tournament)
                             Cork Boys U13 Open Tournament Finals (cork-boys-u13-open-tournament-finals)
                             Cork Boys U14A League (league14a)
                             Cork Boys U14B League (league14b)
                             Cork Boys U16A League (league16a)
                             Cork Boys U16B League (league16b)
                             Cork Boys U18 Michael Fehhernan Tournament (bu18-mfehhernan-t)
                             Cork Boys U18 Michael Fehhernan Tournament Finals (cork-boys-u18-michael-fehhernan-tournament-finals)
                             Cork Boys U18A League (league18a)
                             Cork Boys U18B League (league18b)
                             Cork Men D1 League (leagued1)
                             Cork Men D1 Pre-Season Tournament (cork-men-d1-pre-season-tournament)
                             Cork Men D2 League (leagued2)
                             Cork Men D2 Pre-Season Tournament (cork-men-d2-pre-season-tournament)
                             Cork Men U20 League (league20)
                             Cork Men U20 Pre-Season Tournament (cork-men-u20-pre-season-tournament)
                             National Men D1 League (nationald1)
                             Premier League (premier)
    Seasons:                 2013-2014 (2013-2014)
                             2014-2015 (2014-2015)
    Venues:                  ALSAA (alsaa)
                             Ballyphehane Community Centre (ballyphehane-community-centre)
                             Ballyphehane Community Hall (ballyphehane-community-hall)
                             Boys Club
                             Bantry (boys-club-bantry)
                             Calasanctius College (calasanctius-college)
                             Castleisland Community Center (castleisland-community-center)
                             Christians Rugby Club
                             Rathcooney (christians-rugby-club-rathcooney)
                             Colaiste Choilm
                             Ballincollig (colaiste-choilm-ballincollig)
                             Colaiste Chriost Ri
                             Cork (colaiste-chriost-ri-cork)
                             Colaiste Eanna (colaiste-eanna)
                             Colaiste Iognaid
                             Galway (colaiste-iognaid-galway)
                             Colaiste Muire
                             Crosshaven (colaiste-muire-crosshaven)
                             Colaiste Pobal
                             Bantry (colaiste-pobal-bantry)
                             Community Centre
                             Cobh (community-centre-cobh)
                             DCU Sports Complex (dcu-sports-complex)
                             Douglas Community School (douglas-community-school)
                             Glenmary Hall
                             Carrigtwohill (glenmary-hall-carrigtwohill)
                             Clontarf (i-w-a-clontarf)
                             Killorglin Sports Complex (killorglin-sports-complex)
                             Kingfisher NUIG Sports Centre (kingfisher-nuig-sports-centre)
                             Mallow Youth Club (mallow-youth-club)
                             Mardyke Arena UCC (mardyke-arena-ucc)
                             Merlin Woods College
                             Galway (merlin-woods-college-galway)
                             Methodist College (methodist-college)
                             Moderwell Sports Centre
                             Tralee (moderwell-sports-centre-tralee)
                             Monroe Gymnasium
                             Clonmel (monroe-gymnasium-clonmel)
                             Mountview Y&C Club (mountview-yc-club)
                             Tralee (moyderwell-tralee)
                             Tallaght (nba-tallaght)
                             Neptune Stadium (neptune-stadium)
                             New Hall
                             Skibbereen (new-hall-skibbereen)
                             O'Loughlin's Gaels GAA Club (oloughlins-gaels-gaa-club)
                             Oblate Hall (oblate-hall)
                             Parochial Hall
                             Gurranabraher (parochial-hall-gurranabraher)
                             Pobal Scoil Na Trionoide
                             Youghal (pobal-scoil-na-trionoide-youghal)
                             Presentation School
                             Limerick (presentation-school-limerick)
                             Renmore Community Center (renmore-community-center)
                             Riverstick Community Hall (riverstick-community-hall)
                             Salesians Secondary Schooll
                             Limerick (salesians-secondary-schooll-limerick)
                             St Colmcilles Knocklyon (st-colmcilles-knocklyon)
                             St. Anthonys School
                             Ballinlough (st-anthonys-school-ballinlough)
                             St. Clements College
                             Limerick (st-clements-college-limerick)
                             St. Mary's Hall
                             Carrigtwohill (st-marys-hall-carrigtwohill)
                             The Jes
                             Colaiste Iognaid (the-jes-colaiste-iognaid)
                             Tolka Rover Sports Complex (tolka-rover-sports-complex)
                             UCD Sports Centre (ucd-sports-centre)
                             University Sports Arena (university-sports-arena)
                             Watershed Sports Complex
                             Kilkenny (watershed-sports-complex-kilkenny)
                             Whitechurch Community Centre (whitechurch-community-centre)
    ### SP Post Types ###
    Events:                  211 publish
                             241 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             7 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Calendars:               85 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Teams:                   54 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    League Tables:           24 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             1 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Players:                 0 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Player Lists:            0 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    Staff:                   0 publish
                             0 future
                             0 draft
                             0 private
                             0 trash
                             0 auto-draft
                             0 inherit
    ### Theme ###
    Theme Name:              Kings Club
    Theme Version:           1.4
    Author URL:              https://www.pixfill.com/
    ### Templates ###
    Template Overrides:      No overrides present in theme.
    Plugin Author Brian


    @andrewlynch Thanks, I am noticing that there is a caching plugin which could be related. If you’d like me to login to have a closer look, feel free to contact me directly via https://sportspresspro.com/support/

    Thread Starter AndrewLynch


    Send a message via Support Page.

    Note that I reverted to 1.3.2 on the test instance of WP and League Tables are back to how they used to work. Test instance is an exact replica of production WP in the context of active plug-ins.


    I am having the same issue. Just updated our scores from last week and sort order of league tables is completely wrong and giving incorrect Position numbers to teams.

    Plugin Author Brian


    Thanks guys for the info. I’m looking into this now.

    Plugin Author Brian


    The issue was related to a feature we added in 1.4 that enabled teams to have the same position in the event of a tie.

    Version 1.4.1 is being deployed now and contains a fix for this issue.

    Thank You, Brian!

    Plugin Author Brian


    Thank you for your feedback! It helps us improve the plugin ??

    Thread Starter AndrewLynch


    Thanks for the prompt problem resolution.

    Hi, sorry to jump in i am also having the same messed up table issue look forward to the update thanks for keeping a eye on the forums.
    again sorry AndrewLynch

    Plugin Author Brian


    @kev147 Version 1.4.1 is available now. Let me know if you experience any issues after updating.

    can you tell me how to add more pics to the rotating banner? Currently I only have 3 but would like 10 or so. Also I would like to slow the transition. Thx.

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