• Resolved foresme


    Hello BadgeOS,

    Love your work. I’m using the Learndash Integration and I’m having a problem with badges not showing up in the sidebar widget.

    I have associated a badge with each lesson and course but I can only get 2 of 8 of the badges to show in the Widget after the lessons and course have been completed.

    Also, is there a way for me to notify a user that they’ve been awarded a badge without using the auto messages add-on?

    Please help.



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  • Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    For the sake of helping debug, the widget you’re using is the Earned User Achievements widget from the core BadgeOS plugin, correct?

    In what way were you thinking about notifying? Some sort of visual popup? Sent email?

    The Auto-Messages addon wasn’t meant to be used after every single achievement earned, but more milestone moments like “50 badges” or perhaps in your case, 15 courses. Bigger moments like that.

    Thread Starter foresme


    Hello Michael,

    Thanks for your help!

    That’s correct. The Earned User Achievements sidebar widget. Only two of my eight earned badges are showing up. ??

    With regards to badge notification, I am wondering what my options are. I understand that I can either:

    1) have a user click on a link I’ve made, which will direct them to the page displaying their newly earned badge


    2) purchase the Auto-messages add-on and have badge notifications pop up when lessons/courses have been completed.

    Would that be right?


    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    What settings are you using for the widget? Are you limiting to only certain types of achievements?

    We do natively display congrats messages on the achievement pages themselves, if a user who has earned it, navigates there. We don’t natively offer some sort of popup after a user achieves any sort of achievement. We do have the Auto Messages extension but it is $55 at https://badgeos.org/downloads/auto-messages/ . However, like I said, it wasn’t originally created for every single achievement earned, but more milestone.

    Option 1 sounds more readily viable, at this point. If your lessons/courses are more than just individual achievements, then it sounds like a viable option as well, like if each lesson/course is a group of achievements.

    Thread Starter foresme


    Thanks Michael.

    My current widget settings:

    number to display = 10
    display user’s total points= yes (the points aren’t right either ?? )
    display only the following achievement type= badges (I only have ‘badges’ as an achievement type.

    The badges were added after the learndash courses and only the ‘course’ badge (not any of the 5 lesson badges) would show for my admin account after I completed all the lessons etc.

    I made a ‘testing’ account and took the test dummy through 6 lessons (all with associated badges) and 1 course. In the end, the widget only displayed the last lesson badge, and the overall course badge, but not the other 5 lesson badges.

    mystery mystery!

    Thread Starter foresme


    Thanks Michael.

    My current widget settings:

    number to display = 10
    display user’s total points= yes (the points aren’t right either ?? )
    display only the following achievement type= badges (I only have ‘badges’ as an achievement type.

    The badges were added after the learndash courses and only the ‘course’ badge (not any of the 5 lesson badges) would show for my admin account after I completed all the lessons etc.

    I made a ‘testing’ account and took the test dummy through 6 lessons (all with associated badges) and 1 course. In the end, the widget only displayed the last lesson badge, and the overall course badge, but not the other 5 lesson badges.

    mystery mystery!

    Thread Starter foresme


    Thanks Michael.

    My current widget settings:

    number to display = 10
    display user’s total points= yes (the points aren’t right either ?? )
    display only the following achievement type= badges (I only have ‘badges’ as an achievement type.

    The badges were added after the learndash courses and only the ‘course’ badge (not any of the 5 lesson badges) would show for my admin account after I completed all the lessons etc.

    I made a ‘testing’ account and took the test dummy through 6 lessons (all with associated badges) and 1 course. In the end, the widget only displayed the last lesson badge, and the overall course badge, but not the other 5 lesson badges.

    mystery mystery!

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hmm, correct me if I’m wrong, but based on the reply above, it sounds like the badges you created within your WP install are showing, but all provided by learndash are not?

    Thread Starter foresme



    All the badges are for learndash.

    One course, six lessons. Only the course badge is showing (none of the lessons). (That’s with my admin account)

    If I sign in as a test user and progress through the lessons and course, only the course badge, and a single lesson badge display.

    Here’s a link to a completed lesson page. You can see in the widget only a single badge is displayed, where this user in particular should have been awarded 6 total badges.


    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I’ve asked the original dev of the Learndash integration for some help debugging this, as I’m not well versed with Learndash myself. I’m very much a front lines guy. ??

    Thread Starter foresme


    Sweet, thanks so much Michael.

    One clue:

    When I view the badges, the steps aren’t being crossed out. Even though I have completed the lesson.

    The badge associated with the lesson doesn’t seem to register that I have completed the lesson, even though the progress bar, and your new lesson sidebar widget do.

    Also, it doesn’t say ‘congratulations’ with the fancy green banner like it does for the completed course.

    E.g. https://narrativepracticesonline.com/badges/foundations-and-key-concepts-4/ethical-considerations-guiding-a-narrative-approach/

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    This is just isolated to the widget, correct? Or are these not showing up in the user profile as well? We’re trying to trace the possible source of the issue right now.

    Thread Starter foresme



    They all come up when prompted by this shortcode, [badgeos_achievements_list], if that’s what you mean?

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Yes, that’s an example of what I meant, thanks. Starting to believe it’s something going on in the widget code.

    Thread Starter foresme



    Let me know how your investigations go and if you need anything else from me which will help you figure it out.

    I really hope we can get this working ??

    Thread Starter foresme


    Hey guys,

    Any word on this? I have almost ten courses ready to upload onto my site, and it would be amazing if I could have the badges widget working!

    How’s the spy work going?



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