• WordPress is very easy to install with it’s Famous 5 Minute Installation, but sometimes you need a little more help understanding what is being asked and how to go about providing the right information.

    Installing WordPress is an article in the WordPress Codex that will take you step-by-step through the process, covering:

    * Things to Know Before You Begin Installing WordPress
    * Detailed Installation Instructions
    * Common Installation Problems
    * Foreign Languages Installations
    * How to Install Multiple Blogs

    The WordPress Codex features several hundred articles with information on how to use, modify, and customize WordPress. Take a few minutes to stop in and see what amazing articles and resources WordPress Community volunteers have donated to help WordPress users learn more.

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  • belle116 – are you using Cpanel or Plesk or vDeck ? If so, there are guides for each here : https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/

    no – at least not that i know that …
    I work with windows xp, got installed php 5.1 and mysql (to be honest: not exactly knowing if i could use it ?? )

    belle – are you installing onto a website, or into your computer ?

    On the website… should I do it onto the computer? (sorry…. feel pretty “unskilled”)

    as far as I opent the file /wp-admin/install.php i on my computer I get the “cryptical stuff” (see my long post from 16:53:59)

    As I told earlier: you do NOT need to install php and/or mysql on your computer. All that “stuff” should be on your server already installed by the host. (If they don’t have it – move to a decent host.)
    What do you use to ftp the files to your server?
    Do you have a database set up for you? Is there any user interface for administering your website?

    Ah <sigh>
    go back to my post where I said “Follow the Installation instructions”.
    Read it here:
    and if you need help after reading it, please, post back!

    yeah – i read it and still got trouble – maybee I am only a very stupid little girl (that’s how I feel the longer I do that)
    do I have to “2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.”

    because before it said that I needn’t mysql

    It says on your web server – not on your computer. And a user in the mysql database, also on the server.
    So back to the basics: do you have a databse set up for your hosting account? Or, can you create one through the admin panel of your website?

    oh ok – i got it… (late…)

    i have to negate both: I can’t create a database. But a “service-man” told me by questening about “blogin” that I only have to put online the css-files. which (what i see now) has not so very much to do with qhat I really questiones)

    Am I right that there has to be category in my panel about “creating a database” or something like that?

    Some host let you create your database(s), other will create it for you, and in this case they have to give you the 4 pieces of info needed for the wp-config.php file.
    Don’t ask about “blogging” – tell them you need a database :), more exaclty a MySQL database.

    ok. i’ call them tomorrow.
    if they say, they don’t support a database – do I have another (ANY) chance to get it going?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH and so far. See ya tomorrow (nice sites – by the way)

    Thanks for trying to help me. I just don’t know enough to continue to play with WordPress, so I am turning to an easier java package.

    Hello, geniuses. This may be a dopey question, but I just — I mean *just* — signed up with a new domain name and a new host, created a db, downloaded WP, edited the config file and uploaded everything.

    My domain hasn’t propagated yet. I can view my site by going to the IP address of the server.

    Should I wait until the domain propagates before running the install script? Is the script going to write stuff that needs the domain name?

    Thanks. — clueless in hollywood

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