• WordPress is very easy to install with it’s Famous 5 Minute Installation, but sometimes you need a little more help understanding what is being asked and how to go about providing the right information.

    Installing WordPress is an article in the WordPress Codex that will take you step-by-step through the process, covering:

    * Things to Know Before You Begin Installing WordPress
    * Detailed Installation Instructions
    * Common Installation Problems
    * Foreign Languages Installations
    * How to Install Multiple Blogs

    The WordPress Codex features several hundred articles with information on how to use, modify, and customize WordPress. Take a few minutes to stop in and see what amazing articles and resources WordPress Community volunteers have donated to help WordPress users learn more.

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  • no 0’s, and I just moved the whole set to the server again, overwrote everything, same junk. Thanks for looking at this for me.

    Are you on a Windows Server ?

    bluedomino said it was unix. Their sql is only on unix servers

    A search turns up this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/33701
    to which there looks like no solution – except moving host.

    Unfortunately, unless bluedomino can help here, I’m not sure what we can do…

    Ok, I don’t care how easy the install is suppose to be, I am 100% lost as of now. all I’ve done is install the actuall wordpress program (off a macaddict cd) and I have absolutely no idea where to go now. I don’t really understand the instructions, am clueless when it comes to programing, don’t understand all it’s trying to say. would anyone be kind enough to give me some sort of step-by-step help sometime, to help me get it set up, through something like msn messenger? I think that’s what I’m going to need. I would be ever so greatfull if someone would be willing to help me out.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    Did you start with the installation instructions at the very start of this topic? They are also here:


    And once you get it installed, then see:

    Introduction to Blogging
    First Steps with WordPress
    WordPress Lessons
    New to WordPress – Where to Start

    And if you are still having trouble, then please post a new note on the forum. With over 420,000 downloads, very few people actually have problems installing the program. Just follow the steps one by one.

    Thanks for trying to help me, but I installed e107 finnaly.I believe the problem was uploading:I uploaded wp from home (dial-up)…e107 was uploaded for an internet cafe.

    Just wanted to add that I also use BlueDomino and was having the same problem with logins – correct user and password sent me back to the login page, incorrect user/password sent me back with an error. Anyway, that was a little under a week ago and I’d given up on it but today I tried logging in and it worked! It’s left me wondering if someone sorted through this with BlueDomino(?) Information would be welcome!

    Trying to install WordPress. Database is created, username and password are configured properly in wp-config.php. PHP is 4.1, and mySQL is 3.23.54 on a Red Hat Linux machine. This is the error message I get:

    Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at https://www.rodtempleton.net. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    I can login to phpMyAdmin, so I know the username and password are correct. I’ve tried these settings for DB_HOST: localhost, https://www.rodtempleton.net and the IP address of the machine it’s sitting on. Any suggestions would be very greatly appreciated.

    My problem:

    I’ve checked and double checked everything with the MySQL setup. The database name, wordpress username, and wordpress password all work. I’ve successfully connected using said username and password from the command line and manipulated the noted database. Still, running install.php gives me the database error.

    OS: FreeBSD 4.11
    MySQL 4.0.10
    PHP 5 (I forget exactly which version)

    Any ideas?

    I have searched and read everything I can find in the codex, but I can’t see anywhere that tells me which folders I need to change permissions for.

    I am running WordPress on a Windows 2003 server.

    Can anybody help?

    i don’t know what happen, when i changes the wp-config-sample to wp-config and save it.. And i try to open readme file to have a link to install.php but the error occurs :

    “Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first”

    I was installed old version WP and drop the database a month ago. But when i want to install new WP on localhost, i can’t do it coz that message..

    Can you give me some answer what i should do…?

    thank you..

    Dell Latitude C610, Pentium III M 1.0 Gb, 384 Mb mem, 20 Gb HDD, running Windows 2000 Professional.

    I’ve just installed my WordPress blog on the Blue Domino server. I had problems at every step, and contacted Blue Domino each time. There is an odd problem that causes the crashes, so read on.

    First, upload (I use ftp) the WordPress php script, that you downloaded from this site, from your pc to your Blue Domino domain. If you want the blog to be a subdirectory, set up that directory, and then upload to the subdirectory.

    Next, call Blue Domino. They have to enable cgi on your account, which they do on a schedule of 8:00 AM EST and 6:30 PM EST.

    Next, on your pc, open the wp-config-sample.php file using Notepad and study it. Enter your database name–no restrictions on what it can be, but you should probably stick to just one word. Database User is your username and not your domain name. Password is the one that matches your username, not the one for your domain name. Finally, Host Name is *not* “localhost,” it’s “mysql.bluedomino.com” all lower case.

    Check for, and remove if there, any white space before the <?php that begins the file, ?> that ends the file. Save as wp-config.php on your PC. Upload (using ftp or the File Manager) your modified wp-config.php file to the same place on your site as the rest of WordPress.

    Then, for information on your SQL database (The WordPress script sets up a database using “MySQL,” and needs to state the parameters for the blog database (=the content managment system, =the database of accumulated dated posts), you login in to the “Control Panel” at Blue Domino and take the link to “Manage MySQL” and get all the information there. Check the “show” link; all your information about your database should be there.

    Now enter your domain plus your blog directory ( or just your domain ). You will get (at the very least) a WordPress error message; at the most, an instruction on logging in as admin, with a random password. Copy the password, memorize it, do everything to keep it, because nothing at this point says you can recover it if you don’t know it. Then go on, which takes you to the login screen. Complete the login.

    Blue Domino is apparently more sensitive than other hosts to the presence of blank space before the php script, or after it. Notepad on my system was not very well disciplined in avoiding adding those white spaces, so if you get a blank space after login, recheck your wp-config.php file.

    Once I did that, and refreshed my browser, the blog came up!!

    Am trying to install WordPress…but having problem connecting to the database.

    I created a MySQL database….and filled out the appropriate username, database name info in wp-config.php and ran the install.php file. It will not connect to the database.

    I went into PhpMyadmin….created a small test table, and then created a simple query using asp/vbscript to see if it could access the table with the same parameters that I was putting in the wp-config.php file. I was successful with asp but not with WordPress!

    Here’s my connection string for ASP

    db.Open “Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=; Database=bdwinternet;Uid=bandward;Pwd=hard2forget;);”

    Here’s my config info in wp-config.php

    // ** MySQL settings ** //
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘bdwinternet’);
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘bandward’);
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘hard2forget’);
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘’);

    What am I doing wrong? I’m baffled…

    I had gone through the 5 minute installation but was receiving an error notice because i had inadvertantly placed a ‘space’ after <?php…

    SO – i deleted all the wordpress files from my server, fixed the error, and reloaded all the files…

    My problem is this : when i go to “wp-admin/install.php”
    I get a message stating that I have already installed wordpress (even though i have deleted ALL the files twice now..) and i don’t know what to do next..

    i.e. i have not done ANY set up .. of db tables / gotten a password / etc .. so it tells me that it’s installed, but i can’t DO ANYTHING with it!

    sorry if this q is stupid – this is my first attempt @ any sort of blogging setup..
    please advise..

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