Firstly, we haven’t found any issue with the styling options. It can happened in your website for several reasons, for an example, conflicting with third party script. You can post the issue on our support forum with details https://directorist.com/support-forum/.
Regarding the second issue. We found that if someone installs the plugin and also installs one of a Directorist themes and then imports demo, then required pages generate twice. Thank you very much for letting us know about the issue. We have added solution of the issue. Also we have added a new option to remove data on uninstall, here is a screenshot of the option https://prnt.sc/qdx6q5.
One request to you. We spent thousands of hours developing the plugin and then released it as a free plugin. We are actively maintaining it. We could have uploaded it on a marketplace and sold from there, but we wanted to give something to the community. You could have informed us about the issue first and then left a review if we didn’t care. It would encourage us. Hopefully you will consider to change the review as we have fixed them.