• I have a page hierarchy that is like so.

    -Page A
    –Page A.1
    –Page A.2
    -Page B
    –Page B.1
    –Page B.2
    —Page B.2.1
    —Page B.2.2
    –Page B.3
    -Page C
    –Page C.1
    —Page C.1.1
    —Page C.1.2
    –Page C.2

    I am trying to create a sidebar nav to work like so:

    • when you’re on the top-level parent page (PARENT PAGE) it shows all its direct children (ie: Page A, Page B, Page C)
    • when you’re on a direct child page (Page A, Page B, Page C) it shows all direct children of the PARENT PAGE, and the direct children of the current page you’re on (ie: if on Page B, show Page B.1, Page B.2, Page B.3)
    • when you’re on a child of a child page (ie: Page A.1, Page B.3, etc) you show all direct children of the PARENT PAGE (ie: Page A, Page B, Page C), and the children of the current page (ie: if on Page B.2, show Page B.2.1 and Page B.2.2 )

    I hope this makes sense, if you have suggestions towards examples that’d be great! Thanks for any help you can give!

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