• After updating this theme to V 2.4 after the WP update to 4.5, the left-hand sidebar extends into the main text area.

    Looks very bad.

    Please, can you fix?

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  • I was having this problem too. For some reason I was able to fix it by deactivating twenty eleven theme extensions, installing simple page sidebars. Activating. Going to pages edit, installing sidebar on all pages. THEN…. deactivating and deleting the simple page sidebars, then reactivating my twenty eleven theme extensions and it magically fixed itself!!!

    I have no idea how or why though.

    Hmmm My fix worked, but if you add any new pages, it overlaps again on the new page. Old pages are ok though.

    Place in functions:

    Fix for 4.5 update overlapping
    function wp36510_remove_singular_class( $classes ) {
    	$index = array_search( 'singular', $classes );
    	if ( false !== $index ) {
    		unset( $classes[ $index ] );
    	return $classes;
    add_filter( 'body_class', 'wp36510_remove_singular_class' );
    /** End of Fix for 4.5 Update overlapping */

    Thank you, krazykatz911. Your functions code worked for me. ??

    @krazykatz911 you’re an absolute hero! It must have taken super X-ray vision to spot that body class issue… How ever you did it, thanks a million. Your fix solved it!

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