• Michael


    Hi friends,

    how does one get the left sidebar to stay at the top of the page on mobile because viewing my site through multiple mobile devices, the responsiveness is awesome but the left sidebar moves to the bottom of the page, below the page content, when it should stay on top, above the page content, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Thread Starter Michael


    Hey, wow, I searched forever and could not find a post, you saved me, I’m going to try the solutions right now. Thanks d4z!
    You are so helpful!

    Yes sometimes founding topics is hard (see this: https://www.themesandco.com/snippet/searching-the-wordpress-users-forum/), I knew about that topic just ’cause I replied to it ??
    Glad to help.

    Thread Starter Michael


    Hey d4z, your help is priceless around here, and thank you for everything!

    I studied b0th of the links you gave me created two child themes for both js scripts.

    but I can’t figure out what to modify because I tried change the
    instertBefore to instertAfter.

    no luck and I’m just not sure what to modify, hey d4, could you point me in the right direction on what exactly to modify?

    Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter Michael


    I know this most likely the section in the js.mini file to edit but what would I edit, because nothing is working for me. Sadly.

    on("load",function(){function b(){767>e&&(i&&j?a(f).insertBefore(g):i?a(f).insertBefore(g):a(f).insertBefore(h))}function c(){767>e?a("#main-wrapper .container .span3.tc-sidebar").insertAfter(f):i&&j?a(f).insertBefore(h):i?a(f).insertAfter(g):a(f).insertBefore(h)}var d=a(window),e=d.width(),f=a("#main-wrapper .container .article-container"),g=a("#main-wrapper .container .span3.left.tc-sidebar"),h=a("#main-wrapper .container .span3.right.tc-sidebar"),i=!1,j=!1;g.length>0&&(i=!0),h.length>0&&(j=!0);var k=new Date(1,1,2e3,12,0,0),l=!1,m=200;a(window).resize(function(){k=new Date,l===!1&&(l=!0,setTimeout(c,m))}),b(),a(".widget-front, article").hover(function(){a(this).addClass("hover")},function(){a(this).removeClass("hover")}),a(".widget li").hover(function(){a(this).addClass("on")},function(){a(this).removeClass("on")}),a("article.attachment img").delay(500).animate({opacity:1},700,function(){})})}(window.jQuery)});


    Ops, I think that customizr will always load js of the parent theme ??
    Look at this line in class-fire-resources.php:

    //tc scripts
    	    wp_enqueue_script( 'tc-scripts' ,TC_BASE_URL . 'inc/js/tc-scripts.min.js' ,array( 'jquery' ),null, $in_footer = true);

    Thread Starter Michael


    D4Z, I apologize for snagging two threads and I want to thank you so very much for helping me, us and everyone in the forum, you are the priceless.

    and That is good to know, so if I make one small edit using the parent theme, I should be able to get this working, make the same edit when I upgrade, no problem,

    thank you so much again.

    Hoping will work, yes ??
    You’re welcome and thanks for your words.

    Thread Starter Michael


    Yes! I got it working D4z, because of your help!
    You are da man! I took your second advice and modified the mini script.
    I went in one by one, changing the before and after on the mini until I found the correct change and, I ended up changing an insertAfter to an insertBefore and it worked!

    Again, thanks for all your help around here, people like you are the angels of the forum my friend!

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