It’s very strange that it stops working after a week. Did anything change? Update a plugin, or installed a new one, or changed the theme? That should not happen. That setting is pretty static, it either works or not !
Anyway, the second method, which I rely on more, I use that in the template file. In my case,
FYI, I use Gutenberg instead of a physical file, simply because I can use the Group, Columns, etc… blocks for the layouts, and use the plugin phpeverywhere – to add any php code to display or do other php functions necessary. To be exact, with ACF, I have created ACF Blocks, to display Meta Data from Meta Boxes, and the only field that I still don’t have a block solution is the Repeater field. So really, I only use phpeverywhere to display Repeater fields. Any other fields, Text, Calculated fields, images, relationships, etc… I use my custom ACF Blocks to display them on the front end. In fact, I use FSE themes, so instead of using Reusable blocks for each post, I simply create FSE templates and all works out very nicely, and by using Gutenberg, it is the easiest way not only to create the templates, but in the future to make layout changes, or simply adding new fields to the project. Many totally dislike Gutenberg, but for me it is God sent – not perfect yet, but getting a lot better !