Less than one if it were an option
I trialed the free version of this theme and really liked it. There were a few things that I wanted to edit and improve and I liked it so much that I upgraded to the pro version as it was described as having lots of benefits and extra features.
Big mistake. The pro version loses functionality rather than increase it. Simple steps like adding a facebook link involves editing code rather than simply entering your profile details. Bizarre.
The them is incredibly user un-friendly and difficult to navigate. The whole interface became strange and difficult and the finished product also behaved a lot different to the free version. Simple things like the menu in the footer, it looked great on the free one, in the pro version wouldn’t ever line up neatly. Hence it looked awful and unprofessional and was unusable.
Once I complained and asked for a refund I was just told repeatedly ‘no refunds, no refunds, we offer full support’. However, what is the point of receiving support for a useless product. It is simply not fit for purpose and therefore the offer of support is pretty mute.
I wish I had read reviews before purchase and so now I only hope I can save someone else the horror of installing, or worse, paying for this abomination.
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