the 404 detection page will not load, it is blank white, it has always been that way since I installed the plugin.
Do you have this feature 404 Detection Options enabled? This is located under WP Security -> Firewall -> 404 Detection. If you do, what are your settings?
That URL you shared above is not correct.
can you explain how the failed login records will help me understand traffic?
Lets say that Joe decides to log into your site but he is not a member of your site. His attempt to log into your site represents as a visit to search engines. This is also considered traffic to your site. Now lets say you have 500 login attempts per day, search engines would read this as traffic. Using AIOWPS plugin and enabling certain features, you can stop these bad login attempts. By doing this you will reduce the amount of traffic to your site.
Before I installed this plugin, I use to get thousands of visits to my site every week, which represented a huge amount of traffic. Then when I started improving the security of my site using this plugin, traffic dropped substantially. That told me how much bad traffic my site was receiving on a day to day basis.
There is probably a better explanation than mine, but I hope mine will help you understand what traffic means in the internet world.
Kind regards