• Anonymous User 17976131


    I’m not sure what the intended or desired behavior here is, but I noticed that if I’m separating out webmentions from comments, the avatars in the facepile link to things like the blog front page or a user about page, and not to the the actual, say, like or repost. I’d like to be able to have them link to the actual mention, if possible.

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous User 17976131


    Something of a corrolary request: perhaps a setting to combine the display of simple reaction-type webmentions, like likes and reposts, into a single facepile called Activity.

    Plugin Contributor David Shanske


    We link to the author URL because we felt there wasn’t anything to see specifically on the like page. It usually just says something like, “Blank liked URL” But it wouldn’t be the first time someone asked about te why.

    For the second, you’d want the individual images but with the icons in a single row? We have some tools for that built in, let me see if I can document it.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17976131


    I guess for me the argument would transparency and trust, in that linking to the action not just the person verifies that it’s real.

    Plugin Contributor David Shanske


    Trust on which side? On your part or that of your visitors?

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17976131


    The latter.

    Plugin Author Matthias Pfefferle


    If it’s only for you to check… the linking is only a frontend thing… you see the source URL in the comments section of WP-Admin.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17976131


    Per my last response, I’m talking about for visitors, as a matter of public trust and transparency. Possibly a holdover from my journalism days, but still applicable.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 17976131


    I forgot to reply to part of David’s earlier:

    For the second, you’d want the individual images but with the icons in a single row?

    Yes. I’m. I’m basically inclined to keep things separate but also visually tidy. I basically wish there were a way for all the webmention facepiles to be one big facepile headed Webmentions or something.

    Plugin Author Matthias Pfefferle


    The issue with that is more a protocol/representation issue: The Webmention spec uses Websemantics to get all informations, like author name, url, comment, permalink, … . The facepile in the comment section is part of the Author-Semantics (h-card), so that’s why we use the Author-URL. If we would link that author data to the permalink, a parser would assume that the permalink is the profile URL…

    But we will see how/if we can change the HTML to fix that issue.

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