Hi Joakim,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
We believe our plugin, the support and the extra features are well worth the license fee. Besides the main and most important features remain free and as a result our free plugin is still, by far, the best one out there.
We have been communicating that some of the features eventually would become part of the Elite version of the plugin for over half a year already also from within the plugin itself. So when you decided to use them, as they are useful, you were notificated of this. We also gave a heads-up of over a month and offer a voucher-code for the users who want to switch to the Elite version.
You are right that we got lots of suggestions for improvements from our users and have taken action upon those to make the plugin even better. That is what companies should do: listen to their users and improve their products. That however does not mean they should continue to provide their product from free (wouldn’t be much of a company). Loads of time has gone into developing the plugin AND providing users with free help with their marketing campaigns. 22 months to be exactly. The time has come now to charge a fee for some of the features. Bear in mind, most of the features remain free.
Now with regards to Swedish tax. You are mistaken. When you sell software to other countries within the European Union (Sweden is in) you are requested to gather taxes and pay those taxes in the country you are based. Local tax-government will take care of balancing that our within the countries.
We could discuss this topic further by email if you like. Just like the voucher-code.
All the best,