• Hi,

    I just updated my blog to 2.7 RC1 and it seems that Lightbox doesn’t add the necessary code to images automatically any more. All my images in previous posts (which already have it) are showing up in Lightbox, but new ones aren’t added automatically.

    I am using it together with Flexible upload.

    Anyone had the same issue? Any help?

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    After going from 2.6.3 to 2.6.5 my posts now don’t implement the lightbox view. Posts from 2.6.3 do.

    Since 2.6.5 now when you click on the photo it just jumps to a browser view.

    Havin the same problem with the stable new 2.7 version. Also without the Flexible Upload plugin. Anyone?

    Yup, upgraded to 2.7 and lightbox is definitely busted.

    Anyone know of a stable replacement?

    Hi all, I’m using Shadowbox JS now on 2.7 final.
    It works great.

    hope this helps.

    Thanks Mikey1,
    Looks awesome, but doesn’t seem to work here. Even when I downloaded the latest version at https://sivel.net/2008/09/shadowbox-change-coming-soon.

    More Lightbox alternatives working for 2.7?

    The issue I have since the upgrade is that the navigation between photos within a Lightbox gallery doesn’t work. The previous and next tags just don’t show up. I have been using the Lightbox JS v2.03.2 by Lokesh Dhakar. By Peppe Argento (v1.7 from their download site). I see there is now a newer version out (1.8.2), so I’ll give that a try.

    Upgraded to v2.8.0 from Rupert Morris, but still have the same issue ??

    Shadowbox plugin fixed the issue with my WordPress 2.7 upgrade.
    So thanks for the suggestion and link.

    I’m having the same issue with Lightbox 2….

    I was using Lightbox 2 with WordPress before the upgrade, and it worked perfectly! After upgrading to WP 2.7, the Lightbox does not work with any new images, but is continuing to work with images added prior to upgrading.

    I deactivated the Lightbox, deleted it from the directory, and installed it freshly (Lightbox version 2.8.0)–but still have the same problem (still works with the previously added images, just not with any images added after the upgrade).

    I tried installing Shadowbox JS, but it behaves similarly–works with images added prior to upgrading to WP 2.7, but none added after upgrade.

    Any suggestions?? Thanks!!!

    FYI: the plugin works if you manually insert the text ‘lightbox[example]’in the text field ‘Link Rel’, where example can be replaced for any other word about your post.

    A little problemslolver, but still not the right one.


    I fixed this problem for my gallery short code don’t know where the rel=’lightbox’ code is showing up in my output code but it works for the images in the gallery.

    In the file wp-includes/post-template.php
    is a line of code (line 789 in my file)
    return apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_link', "<a href='$url' title='$post_title'>$link_text</a>", $id, $size, $permalink, $icon );

    and i pasted the rel code there like this:
    return apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_link', "<a href='$url' rel='lightbox[gallery]' title='$post_title'>$link_text</a>", $id, $size, $permalink, $icon );
    and it works for me

    Same problem here. Neither shadowbox nor lightbox work.

    @ kooi2000: what is the purpose of the [example]? Can you simply put lightbox?

    @0reg0ncurt1s Hm, could be. Never tried that. The word between the [] makes the set of images unique, so you can scroll through them with the arrows.


    Shadowbox works well. If you do not want to add the rel=’lightbox” manually to each image,

    install shadowbox plugin, then click on the settings button (next to the activate button), within the settings choose your js library (I use Mootools) then scroll down and make sure that “image links” is set to “true” under “shadowbox automation”, then go to any post. Under the visual editor click the button to add an image. Choose the styles for your thumb (thumnail, medium, large, original size) then above those settings is a button “file URL”, click that so that it links to the large version of the image (this is not selected by default after the 2.7 install!)Check the link to confirm that it chose the path to the correct large image. Save Post. View in browser. All Done.

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