Lightbox colorbox unwanted frame over gallery
Dear all
First I have to say, I am only a simple user of wordpress with little knowledge.
On my page I use several photo galleries working with Lightbox plus Colorbox design. All works fine except for the first photo you click on to enlarge it. It appears in a white frame. If you click on the right arrow (outside and somewhat underneath this white frame), the white frame disappears and the same photo (as all the following ones) appears in what I believe is the lightbox design I want. How do I get rid of this first frame?
Many thanks for your help!
Best, NormanWordPress Information
WordPress Version: 4.6.1
jQuery Version: 1.12.4
Server InformationSite URL:
PHP Version: 5.4.45
Server Software: Apache
Plugin InformationLightbox Plus Colorbox Version: 2.7.2
LBP Shortcode Version: 3.9
Colorbox Version: 1.5.9
Simple PHP HTML DOM Parser Version: 1.5 Rev: 202
Client InformationBrowser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/601.6.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.1.1 Safari/601.6.17
Viewport: 1790×1310
Platform: MacIntel
Javascript: Yes
Display Raw Settings
lightboxplus_multi: 0 | use_inline: 0 | inline_num: 5 | lightboxplus_style: shadowed | use_custom_style: 0 | disable_css: 0 | hide_about: 0 | output_htmlv: 0 | data_name: lightboxplus | load_location: wp_footer | load_priority: 10 | use_perpage: 0 | use_forpage: 0 | use_forpost: 0 | transition: elastic | speed: 300 | width: false | height: false | inner_width: false | inner_height: false | initial_width: 30% | initial_height: 30% | max_width: 90% | max_height: 90% | resize: 1 | opacity: 0.8 | preloading: 1 | label_image: Image | label_of: of | previous: previous | next: next | close: close | overlay_close: 1 | slideshow: 0 | slideshow_auto: 0 | slideshow_speed: 2500 | slideshow_start: start | slideshow_stop: stop | use_caption_title: 0 | gallery_lightboxplus: 1 | multiple_galleries: 0 | use_class_method: 0 | class_name: lbp_primary | no_auto_lightbox: 0 | text_links: 1 | no_display_title: 0 | scrolling: 1 | photo: 0 | rel: 0 | loop: 1 | esc_key: 1 | arrow_key: 1 | top: false | bottom: false | left: false | right: false | fixed: 0 |
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