• I am a little confused with this plugin. First, where should the images go that need to be displayed? There are no instructions on this. Also, can the plugin perform pagination on the images so that only a few show per page? I added the plugin to m project andd activated it but the images are not showing up on the page where I added the [gallery] short code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Finally, could someone also provide a link to a tutorial which provides step-by-step instructions on its use.

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  • Hey Kevcpu Im in exactly the same boat as you!!

    Can someone clear this up for us? its a nice gallery but the instructions for setting up are not clear.

    1) where do you put the images?
    2) how do you get them to display in a gallery?… and the same additional questions as Kevcpu..

    what are we missing?


    Hi there,

    Basically, just upload images and write down [gallery] in the post content. [gallery] will be treated as the lightbox gallery. There are some points you should confirm if it does not work.

    * JavaScripts such as lightbox-gallery.js are loaded on the header properly?
    If you use [gallery] outside the post content, you may need to check
    Enforce loading the lightbox gallery scripts in the setting page of Lightbox Gallery plugin.

    * Are there any JavaScript errors?
    If your WordPress is installed into the subdirectory, you may need to change the path on the 2nd line in lightbox-gallery.js.

    If you still do not get it work, let me show your gallery page. I can say something more.

    About the pagination, you can specify the image number per a page. If you have 10 images and you want to show only 4 images on one page, something like this:

    [gallery num=4]

    The pagination will be displayed automatically. If you would not like to show the pagination, use pagenavi=0. You can also use from attribute in order to specify which image you want to start from.

    [gallery from=2 num=4 pagenavi=0]

    I hope these info will help you guys. Thanks.


    How it works?
    Can you put a capture of the code?


    Thus it is?

    Mi galería
    <img src="https://www.ninosconamor.com/WP/Galerias/Comedor/1.jpg" alt="ccc" />
    <img src="https://www.ninosconamor.com/WP/Galerias/Comedor/2.jpg" alt="ccc" />
    <img src="https://www.ninosconamor.com/WP/Galerias/Comedor/3.jpg" alt="ccc" />
    <img src="https://www.ninosconamor.com/WP/Galerias/Comedor/4.jpg" alt="ccc" />
    <img src="https://www.ninosconamor.com/WP/Galerias/Comedor/5.jpg" alt="ccc" />


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