There are various settings in the lightbox plus plugin settings (Appearance>Lightbox Plus) that can be configured for your needs and generally there is no code that needs to be written, for example you can choose to insert a normal wordpress gallery in a post or page and use lightbox plus functionality on that by checking the ‘Use For WP Gallery’ option in the ‘Primary Lightbox: Other Settings’ area of the plugins settings. You can also add a class to a singular link eg:
<a class="lbpModal" href="link.html">link text</a>
and that will display the link in a lightbox, to enable this you will need to check the ‘Use Secondary Lightbox’ option in the ‘Lightbox Plus – Enable Optional/Advanced Settings’ and ‘Use Class Method – lbpModal’ option in the ‘Secondary Lightbox – Other Settings’ area of the plugins settings.
Click on the little information icons next to settings such as these and they will give you a better understanding of how the plugin works and what code can be used.
Hope that helps!