• dugost


    Hi. I spent some time reading through posts and your troubleshooting guide but I haven’t been able to solve my problem. I’m using your plugin on another site under 3.9.2 and it works perfectly. On the site I’m having issues with, though, it’s using v.4.0 and while it does have different plugins installed I can’t seem to isolate the problem preventing yours from working.

    I’ve turned off plugins one by one until only yours was active. Still no luck. As far as I can tell, there’s only one version of jQuery loading at that point. I have Nivo Slider installed but it even when deactivated Easy FancyBox won’t work.

    This page of the site has an image in the content near the top linking to the Media File but won’t load the lightbox, since the source shows no fancybox style applied to it and won’t work even when I manually add class=”fancybox”:


    This page is using the native WordPress gallery and the lightbox won’t load for any of these images either:


    I don’t have any of the plugins loaded from your list that have known conflicts. All of the extensions for these images are provided. I changed my theme code to have content wrapped with a hentry class without any luck either (since reverted to entry) and tried adding the fancybox class to image links while using entry and hentry with the same result.

    I’d greatly appreciate any help. Thanks.


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  • Hi dugost, looking at the source of https://www.teresadoyle.com/rock-barra-retreat/rock-barra-gallery/ I see two versions of jQuery are loaded on top of each other. One as expected in the head section:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js?ver=4.0'></script>

    but why such an outdated version instead of the one included in WordPress or at least a similar Google hosted version? Where is that coming from?

    And another one in the footer, probaly called by the NivoSlider:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

    The result is an “Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function” in console blocking all script that comes after, in this case FancyBox.

    But even if that error was not occuring, both jQuery versions are incompatible with Easy FancyBox so it still would not work… You’ll need to fix both the jQuery double loading and version issue.

    Thread Starter dugost


    Thanks for the speedy reply, RavanH. I feel like a dummy right now. I overlooked a section of my functions file that was loading that old, old version of jQuery. As soon as you pointed that out it immediately clicked for me to go back and check that file.

    With it removed, and even with Nivo Slider activated, your plugin is now working as it should. I’ll be doing some testing and see if I can get Nivo to avoid loading its own jQuery but you steered me in the right direction so thank you so much for your help!

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