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  • Wow. This is amazingly fast. Thanks for all work on the upgrade, WP crew.

    I’ve having the same feed problem – thought I was going crazy and decided I would try clearing out my old feed and adding it again (using Thunderbird) – but I came to the forums and couldn’t find the feed link again…oh yea, where are the feed links? ??

    theuniek1 – it won’t help. The feed can be found here:


    RSS problems should be fixed up now. ??

    woo and hoo – thank you TechGnome.

    Yes allusion – the feeds are working again!

    Alas, if only there was a “subscribe” function that allowed for updates via e-mail to subscribed threads. Maybe that functionality from WP could somehow be integrated here? I’ve always missed that feature with the WP forums…

    Moderator James Huff


    At the bottom of each thread is a link that says, “RSS feed for this thread”. You could subscribe to the RSS via an online service that sends update notification via email, like . Other than that, I think you’ll just have to bookmark each thread.

    This might sound crazy, but how about putting the search field at the bottom left of the page, rather than the top? The top could have a “#bottom” link to the search field. Often, one likes to peruse through the thread headings before searching. Also, a “#top” link at the bottom right would help in navigation. (See:
    manji theme

    You might consider making the width of the gray”CODE IS POETRY…” footer the same size as the white thread’s width. Having it wider, overlapping the “Support Forums” menu, looks awkward, IMHO. BTW, is there a reason that menu is still there, other than to make the threads thinner in width, contain the search field, and display each poster’s name?

    Wouldn’t it be more asthetically pleasing to expand the width of the thread and do away with the menu altogether, perhaps placing posters’ names below or above the post and moving the search field to the bottom as I referenced before?

    Anonymous – Unregistered posts…is this an error?

    EDIT: DOH! I see what’s going on. ?? I thought that unregistered folkses were still being allowed to post, precious….

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