Likes/Dislike more secure logic
I really like your plugin and almost ready to buy PRO version, but seems that your plugin have some weakness in terms of security safety and rating protection. I need more safe and logic Likes/Dislikes behavior:
+ UNregistered/non-logged-in users will see only likes and can vote up Like +1.
+ Registered/logged-in users will see likes+dislikes, can vote up Like +1 or down Dislike -1, can change their previous votes, can see other users votes avatars on mouse rollover.To make it work it seems that you need to add just 2 very simple functions:
1) Option to hide Dislikes from UNregistered/non-logged-in users to save rating from spoiling by foes-saboteurs (at low php level just block all dislike code to avoid hacking etc).
2) Option to hide other users votes avatars (Dislikes and Likes too) from UNregistered/non-logged-in users.What do you say? Will you add those options asap?
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