I’m not really sure to understand what you mean by “Changing users role after then publish a form”. But you can trigger a custom action and perform custom task when a post is published using the acfe/form/submit/post
hook. See documentation.
I would really recommend to get some assistance with a freelance developer or company to help you dig those concepts and understand how to achieve what you want to do. Remember that you’re trying to use multiple technologies together (Oxygen Builder, ACF Pro, ACF Extended…) which can become quite complex, since some of them are tech-savy (ACF/ACF Extended). Also front-end forms, especially front-end publishing, are one of the most advanced web applications, with tons possibilities and layers of complexity (from a simple form to a full CRM).
So it’s really hard to discuss and understand everything you need and where you want to go on a support forum like this one.
I can answer precise questions or check bug reports, but I cannot suggest/discuss solutions to build web applications, it would take too much time.