Hey Alldogs.
The only way to accomplish this would be to add a custom filter for mycred_add.
Example: Each time a user gets points for an approved comment, we check to make sure this only happens once per day by saving todays date into a custom user meta “last_time_commenting”.
add_filter( 'mycred_add', 'my_custom_mycred_add_hook', 10, 3 );
function my_custom_mycred_add_hook( $reply, $request, $mycred )
// Target Points for Comments
if ( $request['ref'] == 'approved_comment' ) {
// Todays date
$today = date_i18n( 'Y-m-d' );
// Get our check
$last = get_user_meta( $request['user_id'], 'last_time_commenting', true );
// If last time points were added were today - say no to points
if ( $last == $today ) return false;
// Else points were not added today - say yes to points
else {
// Update users meta with todays date
update_user_meta( $request['user_id'], 'last_time_commenting', $today );
// return the good news
return true;
return $reply;
Place this code in your themes functions.php file