• Resolved kikobyofficial


    Hello, I setup the first name lenght in form register by 3 to 20 maxi character, but on the account its doesnt works, I can write 30 characters first name when modify

    How to limit the first name character lenght

    Thanks for your help


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  • Thread Starter kikobyofficial


    Hello, where to add this maxlength=”10″ for first_name




    You can try this code snippet, which will limit the first_name to 10 characters in the Account page update.

    For another number of max characters update the line $maxlength = 10;

    add_action( 'um_submit_account_errors_hook', 'um_submit_account_errors_hook_first_name', 9 );
    function um_submit_account_errors_hook_first_name( $args ) {
        $maxlength = 10;
        if ( ! isset( $args['_um_account'] ) && ! isset( $args['_um_account_tab'] ) ) {
        $tab = sanitize_key( $args['_um_account_tab'] );
        switch ( $tab ) {
            case 'general': {
                                if ( isset( $args['first_name'] )) {
                                    if ( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' )) {
                                        if ( mb_strlen( trim( $args['first_name'] ) ) > $maxlength ) {
                                            UM()->form()->add_error( 'first_name', sprintf( __( 'Your first name is limited to max %d characters', 'ultimate-member' ), $maxlength ));
                                    } else {
                                        if ( strlen( trim( $args['first_name'] ) ) > $maxlength ) {
                                            UM()->form()->add_error( 'first_name', sprintf( __( 'Your first name is limited to max %d characters', 'ultimate-member' ), $maxlength ));

    Install by adding the code snippet to your active theme’s functions.php file
    or use the “Code Snippets” Plugin


    Thread Starter kikobyofficial


    Hello, thanks very thanks

    May I ask you more : after 10 character the user cant type any letter in the field




    Yes, the first code snippet will check the characters being entered
    and you will get an error message at the first name text box
    if more than 10 characters are received.

    If you prefer the browser limiting the input at the 10th character
    you should try this code snippet

    add_filter( "um_first_name_form_edit_field", "um_first_name_form_edit_field_max_chars", 10, 2 );
    function um_first_name_form_edit_field_max_chars( $output, $set_mode ) {
        $output = str_replace( '<input ', '<input maxlength="10" ', $output );
        return $output;
    Thread Starter kikobyofficial


    Hello, thanks very much, works perfect

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