• Hallo everyone,

    I’m working on a website to wich I want to display three of the categories on the frontpage.

    This is the code I’m using:

                            $categories = get_categories( array(
    							'orderby' => 'name',
    							'hide_empty' => false,
                                'parent' => 0
                            ) );
    					<?php foreach ( $categories as $category ) : ?>
    						<div class="grid-3">
    							<div class="intro_linkToCategory">
                                    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_category_link( $category -> term_id ) ); ?>">
                                        <img src="<?php echo z_taxonomy_image_url( $category -> term_id ); ?>" />
                                        <h2><?php echo $category->name; ?></h2>
    							</div><!-- end of intro_linkToCategory -->                            	
    						</div><!--  end of grid -->
    					<?php endforeach; ?>

    This code, however, displays all the avaliable categories. I want to limit get_categories() to show a limited amount of categories by category ID. I might have searched on the wrong places but I couldn’t find a solution to do this. I don’t want to show the posts of a category but just list the category name and image (using a plugin for the image) and link it to the correct category page.

    I’d like a point into the right direction or an example of working code that will point me on the right direction. I have a deadline of April 1st ( not a joke ) on this one and I’m starting to get nervous…

    Thanks in advance,
    Kind regards.

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  • Hello
    please check this code

                            $categories = get_categories( array(
    							'orderby' => 'name',
    							'hide_empty' => false,
                                'parent' => 0
                            ) );
                        $limit=3; // Set limit here
                        foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
    						<div class="grid-3">
    							<div class="intro_linkToCategory">
                                    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_category_link( $category -> term_id ) ); ?>">
                                        <img src="<?php echo z_taxonomy_image_url( $category -> term_id ); ?>" />
                                        <h2><?php echo $category->name; ?></h2>
    							</div><!-- end of intro_linkToCategory -->                            	
    						</div><!--  end of grid -->
    					<?php $counter++;
                       } ?>
    Thread Starter vascofmdc


    Hi Sajid

    Thank you for your answer. I have checked your code example. I’m looking for a way to be able to input the category id of the categories I want to display. Normaly with posts one can add the post id’s into the arguments array i’m looking for a simmilar thing, maybe with a different code approach.

    Thank you for taking time to answer my question nonetheless.

    kind regards,

    Thread Starter vascofmdc


    Hi Michael,

    thank you for your imput. It solved my problem. Funny thing is I had scanned trhough that page before but missed the point completely. This is my endcode for posterity:

        $categories = get_categories( array(
            'include'=> array(78, 72, 76),
            'orderby' => 'name',
    	'hide_empty' => false,
            'parent' => 0
        ) );
    <?php foreach ( $categories as $category ) : ?>
        <div class="grid">
    	<div class="intro_linkToCategory">
                <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_category_link( $category -> term_id ) ); ?>">
                    <img src="<?php echo z_taxonomy_image_url( $category -> term_id ); ?>" />
                    <h2><?php echo $category->name; ?></h2>
            </div><!-- end of intro_linkToCategory -->                            	
        </div><!--  end of grid -->
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    the grid reference is part of amazium grid system wich I use for responsiveness.

    once again, thank you all for the imput.

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