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  • Plugin Author finnj


    Hmm I will consider it – it would mean that I must add a settings page

    Thread Starter jeanpoulin


    Before adding a setting page maybe you could just do a more raw version.

    Just an idea:
    I’m relatively new to wordpress but I guess instead of using the current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) function maybe there is a function that read the wp_capabilities of of the usermeta table. You would by default
    check only for !not administrator but you add a comment above to allow us to add other role like contributor separated by coma or even adding another if..

    Plugin Author finnj


    Hi, please check version 1.1.2 that you can download from the development tab, or here:

    I have chosen to implement it as a filter that you can add to your functions.php of your child theme:

    Let me know if it works for you, and I will make a new stable release.
    // ‘manage_options’ => Administrators
    // ‘edit_others_posts’ => Editors
    // ‘publish_posts’ => Authors”
    // ‘edit_posts’ => Contributors
    // ‘read’ => Subscribers

    // ****- Set restrict to allow Author and above -****
    function my_restrict_backend_level($min_allow_capability)
    return ‘publish_posts’;
    add_filter(‘restrict_backend_min_cap’, ‘my_restrict_backend_level’,10,1);

    Thread Starter jeanpoulin


    Just installed plugin and pasted this function in my functions.php and it works well.

    Many thanks!!
    This is very appreciated!!

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