• Pete


    I’d like someone to make me (or point me in the direction of) a plugin that sets a maximum number of posts a user can post. That is, limit the number of posts a user/author can make.

    Ideally this would be able to be determined both individually and also integrated with Role Manager so that i could make up a new Group and assign that group a set number of posts.

    Also… it would ideally be that I could limit the number of posts per user for certain categories.

    Would anyone be interested in making this plugin for me/wordpress… I’ll pay if needed.

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  • ok, so i just tried that and it does not work.

    when i click on “ADD NEW” it goes to the dashboard no matter what user role the user has. i put max post to 1. i want each author to be able to only post 1 post. and everything else stays the same.


    @shiroujune: thanks for the translation!
    would be a great plugin, wouldn’t it?



    This should be not a plugin but something integrated in WP itself.
    0 would mean unlimited.
    Any other number for limiting posts per user.

    Anybody willing to write a plugin for the community???

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