• Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if it is possible to limit the amount of access levels to only one at a time (most recent or highest one), eg: default level is silver but after purchasing product A, level gold is triggered, but silver would be automatically canceled.

    Thanks in advance and kindest regards.

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  • Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    That is an interesting idea. While RUA is designed to give users unlimited levels, it does make sense that if Gold extends Silver, a user should only be able to have 1 of them.

    Currently there is no performance issues of the user having both levels, but I assume you want to cancel Silver membership so it is not being displayed to the Gold users anywhere.

    I have added this to the roadmap.

    Thread Starter diddensj


    Hi Joachim, exactly, sometimes it is handy or necessary to hide certain content once somebody passes to the next level. One could even create seperate submenus for each without showing the previous ones. Also, I think it makes it easier to adapt each level specifically for the current level. Thanks a lot for your effort, great plugin by the way.

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