Hi @derevnya
Thanks for response!
nd it says that images less than 350 are considered low quality and are not indexed and do not get into the search!
Hm… that’s interesting. I admit that’s the first time ever I hear such thing. I don’t know much about Yandex but Google certainly cares about image size in that sense that it wants it to be small to help with site performance. If you run PageSpeed on a page that has lot of images you may actually notice that very often Google itself suggests compression that results in images way smaller than 350kb. Google Search – if you search for images – will also return plenty of way smaller images.
I’m pretty sure this must be some misunderstanding there. Did you get that info from some up to date sources like some renown SEO site or some Google blog posts, if I may ask?
It may be better to use a cache, but not compress images up to 150. I’m still studying this topic. What do you think?
I actually thing that best is both: use cache as it’s always a great speed booster and compress images as much as possible (as long as quality is acceptable).
Best regards,