• OK. So i’ve tried updating wordpress countless times, I’ve tried enabling//removing markdown, I’ve tried using other plugins and i’ve tried everything but restoring WordPress 1.x

    Still no matter what I do I CAN NOT GET LINE BREAKS when editing or creating posts. Paragraphs finish
    like this

    with NO breaks in between. Also when I Copy & Paste a post from the internet into wordpress (cross-posting is a key-element of my blog and had NO trouble with the really old, previous version of wordpress) it keeps font settings ETC from the other pages.

    I also get errors mentioned in another topic, when I save & continue editing, then later publish a post, the post publishes fine; but I recieve an error.

    I am not the only editor on this site (https://olivebranchoptimism.net) and the other editor is not yet HTML savvy, and as such I NEED the wordpress features to work!!!

    When someone writes a post with line breaks, THEY NEED THE LINE BREAKS. I can’t go through every post adding <BR><BR> at the end of every paragraph manually, it’s impractical.

    Anyone else had this trouble? Any way to fix this??? Is it fixed in the 2.1.x versions????????

    I really can’t see any reason for it. Supposedly wordpress would detect double-returns, and input <p> tags accordingly to show a break; but this doesnt happen either. It is however inserting <p> tags at the beginning of paragraphs, and tags at the end….

    please explain???

    lukey at iinet.net.au if you could email any suggestions?? I’m stumped. I’ve been trying for a month (albiet in what little spare time I have) to fix the issue. I can’t. I need your help!

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  • Actually, I have resolved this issue (to my satisfaction) thanks to a solution mentioned in another thread somewhere.

    Under Users->Edit User, there is the option ‘Use the visual editor when writing’. I turned this off, and it removes the wysiwyg editor, and gives a code editor that works.



    I tried this, Jeff. It didn’t work. Well, it’s now not stripping the <p></p> out, but is ignoring them.

    Hey guys, until i come up with something better, i am doing this work around to the above mentioned issue.
    <p>&!nbsp!;</p> < remove the exclamation points.

    this will get you by in a pinch.

    I think wordpress is just amazing and don’t sweat the little stuff.

    Keep Smiling! ; )

    Sorry, I’ve realised that I also have the ‘disable wpautop’ plugin activated. See this topic on how to obtain it.



    Hi everyone,

    I’m sorry to say that even the nbsp workaround isn’t working for me.

    I’m also sorry to say that I’ve posted a reply in a few of these topics now, so i apologize for the dups.

    but this is really a serious problem and there has to be some type of workable solution. It’s not just the inability to insert a blank line, it’s the waste of time involved–I’ve just spent hours searching the support section, and trying all sorts of things.

    any solutions yet? Please?

    Well, I’ve been okay for a while (line breaks when I want them), and I think it is with the following steps (if you see my posts above)…

    1. Install and enable the ‘disable wpautop’ plugin.
    2. Turn off the ‘Use the visual editor when writing’ option.
    3. Use the nbsp paragraph when I want to actually put in a line

    For a real crack pot work around I put a period on the line where the break should be and change the font for it to white (the background color).

    I am having the exact same issue as listed above. This is very serious, and I cannot stress enough the importance of this working correctly for my orginization. I’m sorry to ressurect an old post but I have tried all the above and found them to either not work or be highly impractical. I am not the only one that writes for my blog, there are many others that are getting increasingly frustrated.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    I’m designing a site for some guys that I can’t force to do shortcuts or workarounds. They just want it to work.

    It seems to me that WP has a problem here and that it isn’t our job to find strange solutions or workarounds.

    I use the default theme that comes with WP and it does not work here either (only of I remove the rich editor, but thats a workaround that removes a lot of functions).

    Awaiting some good answers from some gr8 guys out there.


    I am also having this problem. I didn’t install any plugin to remove the p or br tags. I enter them in manually and they dissapear.

    The bigger problem is that I have other sites pull the feed from mine, and with this the entry becomes a jumbled mess because it does not know where the line and paragraph breaks are.

    The Cdata in the RSS really needs to include these tags. Otherwise what looks like this:



    Will show up on non WP sites as:



    Noticed that if I upload a picture in a post, everything works perfect for that spesific post (still not for the others).

    Can be something to work on if someone from WP reads this.


    Hello, adding my 2 cents to this… I just spent an afternoon trying to figure out why my line breaks keep disappearing. I just installed wordpress to see if i likes it better than iWeb, which i have been using for a year. It has many more “blog” features so I was very excited about trying it out… it has been a nightmare ever since.

    I am about to give up, I post, it looks fine… Then I edit and all my line breaks disappear. I don’t add <p> tags (someone said not to, others say to do that) and have tried many patches that people in other posts swear by.

    I realise this is a free service, open source and all… but I have better things to do with my time than struggle with a bug I see has been complained about through several updates of WP. Sorry to bitch on my first post, but I am at wits end here.

    thanks for listening to my rant.

    GUYS !!

    I just discovered that as soon as I adjusted the text left og right everything is OK.

    It seems that when you do that it adds codes to the content of the post and jubaluba it works.

    A workaround that can’t be accepted, but may be a hint to someone that reads these comments and works for WP… hopefully… Still this will be a thing I can tell my users to use untill something happens.

    wow, this really is amazing. one would think that editing in code/html mode meant you keep some control. i’m trying to get a site up and haven’t bothered to do much more looking, but this fixed the problem for me:

    1) turn off the rich text editor in user profile
    2) edit file: (base) wp-includes/formatting.php

    after line 62 which has:function wpautop($pee, $br = 1) {
    add this: return $pee;

    And wpautop will not mess with your html tags much … it does still convert <br> to < br /> and it performs the php html_encode (or htmlidentities) function to special characters, like quotes.

    Here is I found the above file to edit:

    linux prompt at wp-install-dir$ grep -Rn "function wpautop" *
    grep: wp-content/plugins/aa-rewriterules-viewer: Permission denied
    wp-includes/formatting.php:62:function wpautop($pee, $br = 1) {
    wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/editor_plugin.js:571:function wpautop(pee) {
    linux prompt at wp-install-dir$

    Grep has been amazing at understanding the layer upon layer of WP’s innerworkings.

    No, that didn’t work either. Please look here for the hack I got to work with both “plain text” as well as my own “html hack” code input….


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