• Resolved WildFire


    thank you for developing this plugin , unfortunately i have a small problem :

    when i try to edit short product descriptions it will load all the text in 1 line , i would appreciate if you can fix it
    thanks in advance

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  • Plugin Support mediawebster



    Please describe this in more detail. did you use Bulk editor?

    Thread Starter WildFire


    when i got to main plugin page and try to edit Short product description of each product , the description is being loaded in 1 line and line break isn’t applied to them , so after i edit them i should do all line breaks again and then save , its just seems extra work , that’s why i asked if you guys can fix it

    Thread Starter WildFire


    and no , i’m not bulk editing , i’m trying to edit short product descriptions one by one

    Plugin Support mediawebster



    What plugin version number are you using?

    Thread Starter WildFire


    well i downloaded and installed it directly from wordpress interface so it should be the latest version
    version :

    Plugin Support mediawebster



    my test – https://share.pluginus.net/video/v20240126134155.mp4

    maybe I’m doing something wrong. Can you make a video of the error?

    Thread Starter WildFire


    thank you for sharing this video , so i did some more testing here , first i created a new product with “empty short product description” , then went to the plugin interface and added the short product description through that the same way you did , and in this way when i saved it and then try to edit again , short product description is being loaded correctly.
    in another test i created another product using woocommerce “with short product description written” and then i went to plugin page and tried to edit short product description there and this one didn’t load correctly and short product description loaded in 1 line.
    at least for me , it seems like the problem is when i try to edit existing product which already have short product description.

    Plugin Support mediawebster



    I got it.

    I passed this on to the developers to check it out.

    You can write to the plugin forum to get up-to-date information about the fix – https://pluginus.net/support/forum/woobe-woocommerce-bulk-editor-professional/

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