• Resolved coolhatwebdesign


    I am using the latest version of the plugin at the time of writing (2.0.4) and every time I hit enter to put a line or two break between two sentences or paragraphs, then hit Save on the widget, my line breaks are stripped out. The sentences still appear on their individual lines, but the extra   tags that are added by the widget in order to denote line breaks are being removed once I save. I don’t think this was a problem in previous versions of the plugin, but I don’t want to roll back to a previous version either. Anyone else seeing the same problem?


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  • Val


    Ditto on a client site running WP 4.0 on a Zee Theme. Even using a <p></p> or
    or   or white-space:nowrap; or other (not best practices, I know) code is removed. Without line breaks this is UG-LEE!

    BTW, @coolhatwebdesign, the same code stripping happens using Enhanced Text Widget. If you have a Zee Business theme, perhaps we have the culprit.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    The “stripped line breaks” is a an old story related to how TinyMCE handles html code rewriting (see here for example).
    Old versions of the plugin were not affected because the were using a different interaction with TinyMCE, while the 2.x one sticks more to WordPress standard way.
    Anyway, the very latest version of the plugin (2.1.0) comes with a fix for this, so you should no longer experience this problem.

    I just upgraded to 2.2.1, along with an upgrade of WordPress to 4.0, and am now getting this problem.

    I have four lines of text, each linked to a page on the site. When it is saved, and I view it on the site, the line breaks have been taken out.

    Weird thing is, it was happening on a widget that wasn’t new, but when I copied the html to a new test widget, the code displayed correctly!

    So, I copied it back to the old widget, and it displays incorrectly!

    Ah, I just noticed the setting below the box that says “Automatically add paragraphs”. On the old widget, it was NOT checked, but on the new test widget, it was. So, I checked it on the old widget, updated the widget, and now it displays properly.

    So, even though I figured that out, I’ll still post this, in case someone else has the issue.

    Now I just have to find out why it won’t display the bullets in a bulleted list, but will display the numbers in a numbered list, but I’ll look for a post on another thread for that.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    As previously said, the 2.x version of the plugin behaves differently compared to the 1.x, in terms of line break handling. Since the “Automatically add paragraphs” option was introduced, the plugin tries to guess the correct value for widget created with old versions, but sometimes a manual adjustment on that option may be necessary. Check this other thread for further details.

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