Your’e welcome!
I hope I didn’t make it sound too “techy”, the whole point of using WordPress is that you shouldn’t need to get involved in code. Most of the time these things are quite simple – unless you are trying to do major customisation work on a theme.
I’ve had a bit of a dig around to see if there is a simpler way for you to do this.
The first thing to note is that this theme, according to the entry in the WordPress theme directory “hasn’t been updated for over 2 years and may have incompatibilities with newer versions of WordPress”. This isn’t necessarily a problem, its a great looking theme and I can see why you wouldn’t want to switch to another one just to fix a paragraph bottom margin!
I’ve had a closer look at the theme itself and if all you want to do is fix the spacing problem then there is an option in the Appearance > Theme Options tab to enter the location and name of a custom stylesheet. If you have ftp access all you have to do is upload a file called “adventure-custom.css” to the “/wp-content/themes” folder and enter the path and name of the file in the field ie. “wp-content/themes/adventure-custom.css” .
The file should contain the following:
p {
margin-bottom: 0.3em;
Then if you need to ask for any more help with css tweaks you will just need to add the code people here will give you to this file and it will override the main css, without interfering with the things you aren’t tweaking.
Hope this helps – give me a shout if you need any more help.