We can try making the whole post container a link if that’s fine.
You remove the link for the images with this filter.
add_filter( 'wpsp_disable_image_link', function( $disable, $settings ) {
$disable = true;
return $disable;
}, 10, 2 );
And for the title as well.
add_filter( 'wpsp_disable_title_link', function($output,$settings){
$output = false;
return $output;
You then turn the whole post item into a link with this:
We can do that with this snippet.
add_action( 'wpsp_before_header', funnction(){
echo '<a href="'.get_the_ID().'">';
add_action( 'wpsp_after_content', funnction(){
echo '</a>';
Or replace wpsp_after_content
with wpsp_before_content
if you want the image and title only.