• Resolved Xenesy LTD


    Hello evrybody,

    I don’t know If I am to the good section sor don’t hesitate to move the topic if I’m wrong.

    I have a litte technical question. Here is my issue (and my need)

    I reasearch a software emailing ( please don’t tell met activ.. get… or other way it’s not usless for us) BUT my issue is (prepare yourself)

    I currently have two main sites ( 1 showcase site and 1 training center site where people can register for free or for a fee).

    On both sites, people can subscribe to the newsletter. My issue with wordpress plugin is : If I install a wordpress plugin to “mysite.com” I have to install the same plugin on “mysite2.com” and duplicate all because If someone subscribe to “mysite.com” it will be not related to “mysite2.com” ( data arent shared) So I have to duplicate all .. this is my issue. It’s for 2 website but I have more domain and if I have 20 domains (exemple) I have to install twenty times the plugin and duplicate newsletter campagn … etc … you see it’s awful. Maybe it’s not only and email marketing that I need but code something …

    Maybe I need to get someone to link the data or customer records and send them directly to the email marketing software … I feel like I’m missing a step.

    Customer registration (whatever the domain name, whether free or paid) —> transfer of data to the marketing software so that it can decide what to do (newsletter, tag, campagn, reminder …) —> execution of tasks by the email marketing software. I have to think and take information. Again thank you for your time

    I have 3 wordpress installation ( 1 for main site – 1 for membership site with subdomain – 1 network with many domain).

    I don’t know if my asking is clear … and if it’s possible and How to do …

    Thanks eveyrone

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    If you’re willing to custom code something, virtually anything you can conceive of will be feasible. Of course it will not hoover your floors for you (for now) ??

    If each newsletter is unique to a site, it does make sense to have the same plugin multiple times since each instance would need access to that site’s data. Assuming the newsletter is semi-automated using existing site data.

    If newsletter content were manually composed for each site, it’s feasible to have a central sign-up app where users select which newsletters they want to receive. It’s even feasible for this to be semi-automated as well. Data could be requested from various sites via an API.

    If your various sites were all part of a WP network (multisite), a single plugin could be installed, then individually activated for any or all of the various sites.

    IMO, bulk emailing newsletters from your web server is a risky proposition. Your server is much more likely to become blacklisted as a spam source, even if you are not actually spamming anyone. Also, unless your SMTP interface is properly set up, your newsletter emails are very likely to be treated as spam anyway and the intended recipients will never get the messages. It’s these reasons in part why many choose to employ a bulk email marketing service. They are experts in avoiding being treated as spammers. Even with such a service, it’s possible to have an app that semi-automates newsletter composition which can then be exported to your email marketing service.

    Thread Starter Xenesy LTD


    sorry for the response time (a lot of work these days)

    Thank you very much for your reply. I’ll take back my request, which wasn’t very well thought out at the time.
    Concerning blacklisted server IPs, I have dedicated people who check if our Ips are blacklisted at what level and do what is necessary. Concerning “email marketing companies” personally, they are the most blacklisted that exist (especially on outlook hotmail etc which have a very dense policy for spam). That’s why I don’t use them anymore (it’s a personal choice and obviously a source of extra work I admit and it’s only my personal opinion).

    Regarding my rather strange request, I’ll rephrase it in the right way.
    Is it possible (I think it is, but I’d like confirmation from someone more professional than me, because I’m a noob) to connect a button, link, etc. (we’re working with elementor pro) via an API reset API or some other plugin so that it sends a request to my marketin server to trigger the request? (I asked the marketing software and they told me it was possible with ResetAPI (I don’t know if it’s spelled right) or some other api.

    My question is how does it work? it’s a matter of adding a few lines of code, I’m sure, isn’t it?

    I think my request is a little more focused.

    Anyway, thanks for everything.

    Moderator bcworkz


    WP can certainly send out an API request based on some user interaction. How feasible that is depends on the receiving server. It would need to implement some sort of API that’s accessible from external servers such as your WP server. I don’t know if Elementor has any kind of element that will do this, but something could be custom coded via JavaScript and PHP.

    Thread Starter Xenesy LTD


    Hmm I see I did some programmation but it was … more 13 years haha I am a neebie now !

    If I get RestAP or WgetAPI, I would like make something like: If customer buy some product, they can be listed on some newsletter or campagn.

    Or if someone register, listed on newsletter

    and the last when someone click on some button it make a request to subscribe on some campagn

    I have Mautic ( I tested OpenEMM but ooooo very hard to install and configure too much for me :/ )

    Can I find some help on internet or some tuto ? ( I think there are many tuto on internet but maybe too much ^^) Thanks ‘bcworkz‘ and everyone for your help

    Moderator bcworkz


    You can make remote API requests from WP using WP_Http class methods such as get() and post(). The response can be processed one way or another. For example, JSON responses can be parsed with json_decode().

    I cannot suggest anything more specific because there are currently too many variables and unknowns. I recommend you break down the process into small small discrete, simpler steps and focus on one step at a time. You’re more likely to find useful tutorials for smaller specific needs than some grand all encompassing walk through that does exactly what you want. Then you can later assemble all these small steps into a fully functional app.

    If you get stuck somewhere and feel overwhelmed, you can always hire some professional help. One possible resource specific to WordPress is https://jobs.wordpress.net .

    Thread Starter Xenesy LTD


    Thanks a lot for your advice !

    Totally right, quietly but surely (french expression ^^) I didn’t know jobs.wordpress good address ! for me this topic is resolved.

    Have a nice day evryone

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