• In Gutenberg, it works, but why like this? In my case I have a lots of pdf documents in the media library.
    It’s so tedious now, the emphasis is on knowing the URL before you start, rather than realising whilst writing that you want a link & being able to easily call up the media library without even caring what the URL is.

    Using the ‘classic’ block now, which seems ok.

    Anyway, just a comment & black mark against WP unless you can convince me otherwise.

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  • I’m glad to hear that you’re trying out the block editor, but I understand that you’re frustrated by the process of editing links. I’m glad to hear that the classic block remedies your solution in the short term, though.

    If a link to download a file is what you need, give the “File” block a try — it creates a text link or download button for any file from your media library!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Courtney P.K..
    Thread Starter green42grass


    Hi Courtney,

    Thanks for your reply & info about the ‘File’ block. Am I correct in thinking that it doesn’t work if I want to use it from within a table? When I tried it from within a table the block was just created in the next space after the table.

    Is there a mapping anywhere showing functions in the old editor & their equivalent in the new?


    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, you’re right — you currently cannot place a File block within a table block. It does sound like the right solution to keep using the Classic block to accomplish this for now.

    If it’s a simple table that can be accomplished with vertical columns, perhaps you could try the Column block, as you can have multiple block types within columns. Or perhaps the Group block? Depends on how complex of a table you need.

    I did some looking around and didn’t find any mapping of the old vs. new functions. That’s a cool idea though! The closest thing I could find is this page that’s a rundown the block types.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Courtney P.K..
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