For the record, I understand the frustration with the multiple updates–but I’m also grateful to Yannick for doing them. He had a lengthy beta testing period. But the very people most likely to break the plug-in–people like me who have extremely complicated libraries and who can’t risk having those libraries go down–were the ones least likely to install the beta. So problems with complicated libraries just couldn’t be caught at the beta stage, no matter how much he tried.
So when the first non-beta version came out, and I installed it, lots of things broke. Yannick was careful to allow for an easy way to downgrade, so that I could keep my libraries up until the weekend (when it was less critical that they be up, and when I had more time to work on them). This was particularly a help because there were some things Yannick wasn’t going to be able to fix–the fact that my site map plug-in required me to include all custom post types or none, so I suddenly had no way to show other custom post types without showing every single link in my library. (This one required me to search for and install a site map plug-in that would allow me to select which custom post types to include.)
When the weekend arrived, and I had a chance to start working with the update, I was peppering him with support requests. He responded to each one within a few hours, and quickly updated the plug-in to fix the problem.
So yeah, it was a lot of updates–and my support questions were probably the cause of half of them. But anyone who didn’t want to update the often had the option of going back to the last 5.9x version until the bugs were worked out. And there really weren’t a lot of good options to figure out the problems ahead of time, or to fix them once they arose without multiple updates.