I was able to get 1.4.2 functioning —-
Placed the “directory” in the root of my wp install
Had to disable the “SEO” options – i.e. permalinks. This causes my breadcrumbs shows error 404 even though I am getting the directory
When adding links from wp-admin/link-exchange-qa.php the Category change is not saved. Adding from the wp-admin/link-exchange-browse.php and selecting the category will save correctly
On the user interface, “Insert your link here” – they are presented with the check box option “non-reciprocal.” If the option is disabled in the Admin section – why is this still an option for the user?
Pagination – it appears is managed by JS – thus it is ignored by the CSS page width
Feature request:
–Have all plug-in pages reside in the plug-in directory – and not have to manually install in the root and wp-admin directories.
–Disable the option to add link to the root directory. When a users adds from main cat – it should ask what category they would like.
–ability to add directory or category in individual pages or posts.
–If a user does not type in the cap code correct, it should take them back to allow reentry of code – without being forced to enter all the data again.
–widget for sidebar
Question: what is function of RSS feed to this application?
The website for Alec Tang is https://www.alectang.com even though the documentation points to https://www.ebrandmarketing.com.au/wordpress-link-directory/ Looking at wayback it appears that this site used to be a promote blog tools, etc.