• Hi there, I’m having problem with my current theme.
    It’s a photoblog theme and I want to link every clicked page to a new page instead of open up the picture to the original size itself.

    These are the codes that I get from:
    1) Eclipse: classy-options-init.php

    ->upload($ec_themeslug."_blog_portfolio_image_two", "Second Portfolio Image", array('default' => array('url' => TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/portfolio.jpg')))
    			->text($ec_themeslug."_blog_portfolio_image_two_caption", "Second Portfolio Image Link", array('default' => 'Image 2'))

    2) Eclipse: meta-box.php

    ->single_image($ec_themeslug.'_page_portfolio_image_two', 'Second Portfolio Image', '', array('std' =>  TEMPLATE_URL . '/images/portfolio.jpg'))
    			->text($ec_themeslug.'_page_portfolio_image_two_caption', 'Second Portfolio Image Caption', '', array('std' => 'Image 2'))

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