• Dear fellow WordPress users,

    I have a table on my website which should always show the value of an Excel cell.

    Currently, I’m updating this manually.

    Is there a way to automate this?

    I’ve tried Googling to no avail.


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  • Hi there,

    Are you wanting to feed data from a particular source, or simply import a whole table from a spreadsheet?

    This plugin will allow you to import/export CSV/XSL files if that helps you – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/tablepress/

    Thread Starter Sasimi


    Dear WP,

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I have a Excel File on dropbox, which is updated manually with data. I’m looking for a way to link the text on my website to certain cells within this Excel file (updated daily, automatically).

    I believe Tablepress does not have this option, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

    Feeding certain cells from a XLS file on dropbox can be complicated and probably not worth the effort or cost. It’s likely a fair bit of development to get this working properly, as I have not seen anything off the shelf that will do this.

    I think something like this would be a better option – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/inline-google-spreadsheet-viewer/

    This would mean using Google Docs to create the spreadsheet instead, but give you the ability to publish a spreadsheet directly to your WP site. You could even create a sheet just for public view and reference tables from your master spreadsheet.

    Thread Starter Sasimi


    Thank you again for this suggestion.

    Unfortunately, the Excel sheet is an output from another program that cannot output in Google docs.

    I’ve also tried Googling whether its possible to link a Google spreadsheet to the Excel file, but this does not seem feasible either.

    I have heard of sharing a folder in dropbox, but do not know the ins and outs of it. If you could do that, you could possibly make a crude solution with an iFrame. Wouldn’t be pretty, but would work.

    Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer (suggested earlier) supports CSV files, custom Google Apps Scripts, and direct database queries, too. If the Excel file is an output of a program running on your site, you may be able to completely omit the output to Excel step of your processing pipeline. Alternatively, you could output to CSV instead. Finally, you could write a Google Apps Script that takes your Excel file as an input and returns just the data you want, then point Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer to the output of that.

    Finally, if you can live with displaying the whole spreadsheet and not just one cell, then you can even feed your Excel file directly to Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer, which will display the full file via its Docs Viewer feature.

    If it were me, I’d just change to outputting a CSV file. That’s gonna be the easiest and most future-compatible option.

    Thread Starter Sasimi


    Thanks Meitar, I will try your suggestion.

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