Found it. Here’s the process.
1) Create a static page with an indicative name. I called mine “Blogs”. Whatever content you put in the page will be ignored — I just left myself a note “Never displayed but required as the link to the blogs. DO NOT DELETE THIS PAGE.”
2) Set the order to “1” to make it appear next to “Home” in the menu across the bottom of the top-most graphic on the home page. None of the other attributes of this page seem to be relevant.
3) Create another static page such as “Welcome”. This text will be the first page seen by visitors on your home page. Set the attributes (e.g., Template) as you wish.
4) In Settings -> Reading, for the “Front page displays” selection, choose “A static page) and set the “Front page” to “Welcome” (see #3 above) and [here’s the step I was missing] the “Posts page” to “Blogs” (see #1 above).
5) Save the changes and check the results.
+ Your “home” page should be the “Welcome” page and, up in the menu below the graphic, “Blogs” should be the choice immediately to the right of “Home” (this is the order set in #2 above, relative to other static pages that appear in this same menu).
+ The “Blogs” menu will also appear, in alphabetical order, in the Pages widget if you have it visible somewhere.
+ Clicking on “Blogs” in either the main menu across the bottom of the top graphic, or in the Pages widget, should then show *ALL* blog posts (articles) in chronological order and regardless of Category or Tags.
The key to this was making a static page named “Blogs” so that, in Settings -> Reading, the “Posts page” has something to point to.
Unless there’s “a better way”, I consider this issue closed.
(Blog looks great!)